LibreOffice 24.8 Help
Select a gradient, modify the properties of a gradient, or save a new gradient.
Lists the available gradients. You can also modify or create your own gradients.
ααααααβαααβαααααΆαββααααΆααβαααα½αβαα½αβαα βαααααΈβαα αα α»ααααααβ α αααααΆααββααααααααααααα·βααααβββαααβαααααΆαβααααβα’αααβ αα·αβαααααΆααβααβα α»α βαααΌαα»αβααα α
α’αα»ααααβααααααβαααααααα·βαααβαααααΆαβαα αα α»ααααααβαα βαααβαααααΆαβαααβααΆαβααααΎαβ α ααααα·αβααΎβα’αααβα ααβ α’αααβα’αΆα βαααααΆβαα»αβαααβαααααΆαββαααααβαααααβαααααβαα½α α
To rename a gradient, select the gradient, right-click and choose
. To delete a gradient, select the gradient, right-click and choose .Use the options to define or modify a gradient.
ααααΎαβαααααΆαβαααα’αααβα ααβα’αα»ααααΒ α
Enter the horizontal offset for the gradient, where 0% corresponds to the current horizontal location of the endpoint color in the gradient. The endpoint color is the color that is selected in the To Color box.
Enter the vertical offset for the gradient, where 0% corresponds to the current vertical location of the endpoint color in the gradient. The endpoint color is the color that is selected in the To Color box.
αααα αΌαβαα»αβααααα·αβαααααΆααβαααβαααααΆαβαααβααΆαβααααΎα α
Enter the amount by which you want to adjust the area of the endpoint color on the gradient. The endpoint color is the color that is selected in the To Color box.
ααααΎαβαααβαα½αβαααααΆααβα ααα»α βα αΆααβααααΎαβααβαααβαααααΆα α
Enter the intensity for the color in the From Color box, where 0% corresponds to black, and 100 % to the selected color.
αααααβαααβαααααΆααβα ααα»α βαααα ααβααααβαααβαααααΆα α
Enter the intensity for the color in the To Color box, where 0% corresponds to black, and 100 % to the selected color.