LibreOffice 24.8 Help
αααααβααααααβαααααααα·βαααααβααβααααα»βααααΌαβαααβααΆαβααααΎα αβ
Choose Format - Text Box and Shape - Object - Area.
On Line and Filling bar, click
Set the fill options for the selected drawing object or document element.
Add a shadow to the selected drawing object, and define the properties of the shadow.
αααααβαααααΎαβααααΆβαααααΆααβααΆαβαααααβαααβα’αααβα’αα»ααααβαα βααααα»βαααβααΆαβααααΎαΒ α
Resets changes made to the current tab to those applicable when this dialog was opened.
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