Finds or replaces text or formats in the current document.
From the menu bar:
Choose Edit - Find & Replace.
From toolbars:
Find & Replace
From the keyboard:
CommandCtrl + H
Enter the text that you want to find, or select a previous search from the list.
Search options are listed under the Find box and in the Other options area of the dialog.
Match case
Matches the exact character provided in the Find box without considering any alternative case matches.
Disable this option to consider all possible case matches. For example, entering "a" in the Find box matches both "a" and "A".
Be aware that some characters may have more than one match when Match case is disabled. For instance, "s" matches "s", "S" and "ß" (sharp S used in the German language).
Formatted display
Includes number formatting characters in the search.
Entire CellsWhole words only
Searches for whole words or cells that are identical to the search text.
All sheets
Searches through all of the sheets in the current spreadsheet file.
Searches for text formatted with the style that you specify. Select this checkbox, and then select a style from the Find list. To specify a replacement style, select a style from the Replace list.
Searches for text formatted with the style that you specify. Select this checkbox, and then select a style from the Find list. To specify a replacement style, select a style from the Replace list.
Searches exact match, does not include Unicode combining marks in search. For example, searching for كتب will not match كَتَبَ or كُتُب or كتِب and so on.
Searches exact match, does not include Arabic Tatweel mark U+0640 (also known as Kashida) in search. For example, searching for كتاب will not match كـتاب or كتــــاب and so on.
Choose the text attributes that you want to search for. For example, if you select the Outline attribute, then all characters formatted manually with an Outline effect are found. If you also want to find characters with an Outline effect as part of a style, then select Including styles in the Other Options section, before searching.
After you select format and attributes that you want to search for, the Paragraph Styles checkbox in the Other options area changes to Including Styles. Select this checkbox if you want to include search for formatting and attributes set by styles.
No Format
Click in the Find or the Replace box, and then click this button to remove the search criteria based on formats.
The search and replace criteria selected for Format and Attributes are displayed under the Find and Replace boxes.
Determines the order for searching the cells.
Searches from left to right across the rows.
Searches from top to bottom through the columns.
Search in
Searches for the characters that you specify in formulas and in fixed (not calculated) values. For example, you could look for formulas that contain 'SUM'.
Searches for the characters that you specify in values and in the results of formulas.
Searches for the characters that you specify in the comments that are attached to the cells.
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After you close the Find & Replace dialog, you can still search using the last search criteria that you entered, by pressing Shift+CommandCtrl+F.