LibreOffice 25.2 Help
The Properties window of the Report Builder always shows the properties of the currently selected object in the Report Builder view.
Press Shift-F1 and point with the mouse at an input box to see a help text for this input box.
On first start of the Report Builder, the Properties window shows the Data tab page for the whole report.
Select a table from the Contents list, then press Tab or click outside the input box to leave the input box.
The Add fields to report window is shown automatically when you have selected a table in the Contents box and leave that box. You can also click the Add Field icon on the toolbar, or choose .
The General tab page can be used to change the name of the report, and to disable the Page Header or Page Footer areas, among others.
To display the Data or General tab page for the whole report, choose .
If you click the Page Header or Page Footer area without selecting any object, you see the General tab page for that area.
You can edit some visual properties for the area.
If the Conditional Print Expression evaluates to TRUE, the selected object will be printed.
If you click the Detail area without selecting any object, you see the General tab page for that area.
You can specify some properties to fine-tune the way the records are printed.
Insert some data fields into the Detail area, or insert other control fields into any area. When you select an inserted field, you can set the properties in the Properties window.
For a Label field, you can change the displayed text in the Label input box.
For a picture, you can specify to either insert the picture as a link to a file or only as an embedded object in the Base file. The embedded option increases the size of the Base file, while the link option is not as portable to other computers.
On the General tab page of a data field, you can set the Formatting properties, among others.
On the Data tab page, you can change the data contents to be shown.