Drawing Bar

The Drawing bar contains frequently used editing tools. Click the arrow next to an icon to open a toolbar that contains additional commands.

You can view the Drawing bar also from a text document or spreadsheet. The set of visible icons can be slightly different according to the current document type.


To select an object on the current slide, click the Select tool (white arrow) on the Drawing bar, and then click the object.

To select more than one object, hold down Shift while you click.

To select an object that is behind another object, hold , and then click the object. To select the next underlying object in the stacking, hold , and then click again. To return the selection to the previously selected object, hold down Shift + , and then click.

To add text to a selected object, double-click the object and type or enter your text.

To remove a selection, click anywhere outside the selected object, or press Escape.

By double-clicking a tool, you can use it for multiple tasks. If you call the tool with a single-click, it reverts back to the last selection after completing the task.


Allows you to select objects in the current document.



Line Color

Sets the line color of the selected object.

Icon Line Color

ხაზის ფერი

Fill Color

Sets the area color of the selected object.

Icon Area



მიმდინარე დოკუმენტში გადათრევით ხატავს პირდაპირ ხაზს. ხაზის 45 გრადუსით დასახრელად გადათრევისას გეჭიროთ Shift კლავიშზე.

Icon Line



მოცემულ დოკუმენტში ჭიმავს შევსებულ ოთკუთხედს. დააწკაპუნე იმ ადგილას სადაც გინდა დასვა მართკუთხედის კუთხე და გადაათრია რა ზომაზეც გინდა. კვადრატის მისაღებად გეჭიროთ Shift კლავიშა.

Icon Rectangle



მოცემულ დოკუმენტში ჭიმავს შევსებულ ოვალს. დააწკაპუნე იქ სადაც გინდა რომ ჩასვა ოვალი და გადაათრიეთ სასურველ ზომაზე. წრეწირის მისაღებად გაჭიროთ Shift ღილაკი.

Icon Ellipse


Lines and Arrows

Open the Lines and Arrows toolbar, where you can add straight lines, lines with arrows, and dimension lines to the current slide or page.

Curves and Polygons

The Curves and Polygons icon on the Drawing bar opens the Lines toolbar, where you can add lines and shapes to the current slide.

Icon Curve



Icon Connector


გახსენით ხელსაწყოთა ზოლი კავშირები სადაც შეგიძლიათ მიმდინარე სლაიდში დაამატოთ დამაკავშირებლები ობიექტებზე. ის ხაზი, რომელიც აერთიანებს ობიექტებს და რჩება მიბმული ობიექტების გადაადგილებისას. თუ დააკოპირებთ ობიექტს დამაკავშირებლიანად, დაკოპირდება ასევე დამაკავშირებელიც.

Basic Shapes

Opens the Basic Shapes toolbar which you can use to insert graphics into your document.

Icon Basic shapes

Basic Shapes

Symbol Shapes

Opens the Symbol Shapes toolbar from which you can insert graphics into your document.

Icon Symbol Shapes

Symbol Shapes

Block Arrows

Opens the Block Arrows toolbar from which you can insert graphics into your document.

Icon Block arrows

Block Arrows


Opens the Flowchart toolbar from which you can insert graphics into your document.

Icon Flowcharts



Opens the Callouts toolbar from which you can insert graphics into your document.

Icon Callouts


Stars and Banners

Opens the Stars and Banners toolbar from which you can insert graphics into your document.

Icon Stars


3D ობიექტები

Opens the 3D Objects toolbar. The objects are three dimensional, with depth, illumination, and reflection. Each inserted object initially forms a 3D scene. You can press F3 to enter the scene. For these 3D objects, you can open the 3D Effects dialog to edit the properties.

Icon 3D Objects

სამგანზომილებიანი ობიექტები


This tool is used to rotate the object.

Icon Rotate



Modifies the alignment of selected objects.

Icon Alignment



Changes the stacking order of a selected object.

Icon Arrange


Distribute Selection

Distributes three or more selected objects evenly along the horizontal axis or the vertical axis. You can also evenly distribute the spacing between objects.

Icon Distribute



Adds a shadow to the selected object. If the object already has a shadow, the shadow is removed. If you click this icon when no object is selected, the shadow is added to the next object that you draw.

Icon Add Shadow



Trims or scales the selected graphic. You can also restore the graphic to its original size.

Icon Crop


Image Filter

This icon on the Image bar opens the Image Filter bar, where you can use various filters on the selected picture.

Icon Filter


Edit Points

Lets you change the shape of the selected drawing object.

Icon Toggle Point Edit Mode

Toggle Point Edit Mode


Enables you to edit gluepoints on your drawing.

Icon Edit Gluepoints

Edit Gluepoints

Extrusion On/Off

Switches the 3D effects on and off for the selected objects.

Icon Extrusion On/Off

Extrusion On/Off

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