აზიური განლაგება

საზღვრავს აზიური ტექსტისთვის ტიპოგრაფიულ ნაგულისხმევ სტანდარტებს.

These commands can only be accessed after you enable support for Asian languages in - Languages and Locales - General.

ბრძანებაზე წვდომისათვის...

Choose - Languages and Locales - Asian Layout.

Options Asian Dialog Image


Defines the default settings for kerning between individual characters.

Western text only

Specifies that kerning is only applied to western text.

დასავლური ტექსტი და აზიური პუნქტუაცია

Specifies that kerning is applied to both western text and Asian punctuation.

სიმბოლოთა დაშორება

Defines the default settings for character spacing in Asian texts, cells, and drawing objects.

შეკუნშვა არაა

Specifies that no compression at all will occur.

მხოლოდ პუნქტუაციის შეკუმშვა

Specifies that only the punctuation is compressed.

პუნქტუაციის და იაპონური კანას შეკუნშვა

Specifies that punctuation and Japanese Kana are compressed.

პირველი და უკანასკნელი სიმბოლოები

Defines the default settings for 'first' and 'last' characters. In the dialog that appears when you choose Format -Asian Typography, you can specify whether the list of forbidden characters applies to those at the beginning or end of a line in a paragraph.


Specifies the language for which you want to define first and last characters.


When you mark Default, the following two text boxes are filled with the default characters for the selected language:

არაა ხაზის დასაწყისი:

Specifies the characters that should not appear alone at the beginning of a line. If a character typed here is positioned at the beginning of a line after a line break, it is automatically moved to the end of the previous line. For example, an exclamation point at the end of a sentence never appears at the start of a line if it is part of the Not at start of line list.

არაა ხაზის ბოლო:

Specifies the characters that should not appear alone at the end of a line. If a character typed here is positioned at the end of a line due to a line break, it is automatically moved to the beginning of the next line. For example, a currency symbol that appears in front of an amount never appears at the end of a line if it is part of the Not at end of line list.

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