Asian Phonetic Guide

Allows you to add comments next to Asian characters to serve as a pronunciation guide.

These commands can only be accessed after you enable support for Asian languages in - Languages and Locales - General.

ბრძანებაზე წვდომისათვის...

From the menu bar:

Menu Format - Asian phonetic guide.

  1. Select one or more words in the document.

  2. Choose Format - Asian Phonetic Guide.

  3. Enter the text that you want to use as a pronunciation guide in the Ruby text box.

ძირითადი ტექსტი

Displays the base text that you selected in the current file. If you want, you can modify the base text by entering new text here.

Ruby-ის ტექსტი

Enter the text that you want to use as a pronunciation guide for the base text.


Select the horizontal alignment for the ruby text.


Select where you want to place the ruby text.

Character Style for ruby text

Select a character style for the ruby text.


Opens the where you can select a character style for the ruby text.

წინასწარი დათვალიერების ველი

Displays a preview of the current selection.


Applies the modified or selected values without closing the dialog.

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