
This opens a submenu to edit axial properties.

The tabs in the dialogs depend on the chart type selected.

ბრძანებაზე წვდომისათვის...

Choose Format - Axis (Charts)

X ღერძი

Opens a dialog, where you can edit the properties of the selected axis.

Y ღერძი

Opens the Y Axis dialog, to change properties of the Y axis.

მეორადი X ღერძი

Opens a dialog where you can edit the properties of the secondary X axis. To insert a secondary X axis, choose Insert - Axes and select X axis.

მეორადი Y ღერძი

Opens a dialog where you can edit the properties of the secondary Y axis. To insert a secondary Y axis, choose Insert - Axes and select Y axis.

Z ღერძი

Opens a dialog, where you can edit the properties of the selected axis.

ყველა ღერძი

Opens a dialog, where you can edit the properties of the selected axis.

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