LibreOffice 25.2 ヘルプ
Use this dialog to determine the spacing between formula elements. The spacing is specified as a percentage in relation to the base size defined under Format - Font Size.
分類 ボタンをクリックすると、間隔を指定する数式要素が選択できます。選択した分類によって、表示されるダイアログの内容が異なります。変更できる間隔は、プレビューウィンドウで確認できます。
Defines the spacing between variables and operators.
Determines the spacing between lines.
Determines the spacing between the root sign and radicals.
Determines the spacing for superscript indexes.
Determines the spacing for subscript indexes.
Determines the spacing between the fraction bar and the numerator.
Determines the spacing between the fraction bar and the denominator.
Determines the excess length of the fraction line.
Determines the weight of the fraction line.
Determines the spacing between the sum symbol and the upper limit.
Determines the spacing between the sum symbol and the lower limit.
Determines the vertical distance between the upper edge of the contents and the upper end of the brackets.
Determines the horizontal distance between the contents and the upper end of the brackets.
全種類のかっこに対して、表示の調整を施します。この場合、たとえば コマンド ウィンドウに ( a over b) と入力すると、引数全体の高さをカバーする形でかっこが付けられます。通常こうした処理を行うには left ( a over b right ) と入力します。
Adjusts the percentage excess size. At 0 percent the brackets are set so that they surround the argument at the same height. The higher the entered value is, the larger the vertical gap between the contents of the brackets and the external border of the brackets. The field can only be used in combination with Scale all brackets.
Determines the spacing between matrix elements in a row.
Determines the spacing between matrix elements in a column.
Defines the height of the symbols in relation to the baseline.
Determines the minimum distance between a symbol and variable.
Determines the height from the variable to the operator's upper edge.
Determines the horizontal distance between operators and variables.
数式につける余白の幅を指定します。この機能は、LibreOffice Writer のドキュメントに数式を挿入する場合などに便利です。このサイズは 0 に設定しないでください。サイズを 0 にすると、数式に隣接するテキストとの間に余白がなくなり、表示上の問題が発生します。
The left border is positioned between the formula and background.
The right border is positioned between the formula and background.
The top border is positioned between the formula and background.
The bottom border is positioned between the formula and background.
Saves your changes as your default settings for all new formulas. A security response will appear before saving these changes.