LibreOffice 25.2 ヘルプ
Sets the general options for exporting your document to a PDF file. Range, images, watermark, forms and other parameters.
Sets the export options for the pages included in the PDF file.
Exports all defined print ranges. If no print range is defined, exports the entire document.
Exports the pages you type in the box.
To export a range of pages, use the format 3-6. To export single pages, use the format 7;9;11. If you want, you can export a combination of page ranges and single pages, by using a format like 3-6;8;10;12.
Exports the current selection.
Sets the PDF export options for images inside your document.
Select to resample or down-size the images to a lower number of pixels per inch.
Select the target resolution for the images.
EPS images with embedded previews are exported only as previews. EPS images without embedded previews are exported as empty placeholders.
Check to enable the watermark signature.
You cannot adjust the position, orientation and size of the watermark. The watermark is not stored in the source document.
Sets general PDF export options.
This setting enables you to export the document as a .pdf file containing two file formats: PDF and ODF. In PDF viewers it behaves like a normal .pdf file and it remains fully editable in LibreOffice.
Converts to the PDF/A-1b, PDF/A-2b, or PDF/A-3b format. All fonts used in the source document are embedded in the generated PDF file, and PDF tags are written. The primary purpose is to create an electronic document whose appearance is device and application independent, making it suitable for long term preservation.
PDF/A-2b is recommended for most users, because it allows for layers and transparency with shapes and images. It also compresses better (JPEG 2000) than PDF/A-1b, usually producing smaller files. PDF/A-3b is identical to PDF/A-2b, but also accepts embedding of other file formats.
Select to write PDF tags. This can increase file size by huge amounts.
Tagged PDF contains information about the structure of the document contents. This can help to display the document on devices with different screens, and when using screen reader software.
Choose to create a PDF form. This can be filled out and printed by the user of the PDF document.
Select the format of submitting forms from within the PDF file.
Select the format of the data that you will receive from the submitter: FDF (Forms Data Format), PDF, HTML, or XML.
This setting overrides the control's URL property that you set in the document.
Allows you to use the same field name for multiple fields in the generated PDF file. If disabled, field names will be exported using generated unique names.
Sets options for diverse features such as outlines, comments, page layout.
Select to export all headings in Writer documents as PDF bookmarks.
Only paragraphs with Outline level 1–10 will be exported. The name of the Paragraph Style is irrelevant. For example, the default version of Paragraph Style Title is not exported when its Outline level is . To see a paragraph’s Outline level, choose - Outline & Numbering tab.
Select to export comments of Writer and Calc documents as PDF annotations.
Select to export comments of Writer documents in the margin, as they are displayed in the application. Note that this necessarily scales the page contents down to make the comments fit on the page, for the whole document, regardless of the size of the margins.
Export also the Notes pages view at the end of the exported PDF presentation document.
Exports the document’s hidden slides.
Ignores each sheet’s paper size, print ranges and shown/hidden status and puts every sheet (even hidden sheets) on exactly one page, which is exactly as small or large as needed to fit the whole contents of the sheet.
If switched on, automatically inserted blank pages are exported to the PDF file. This is best if you are printing the pdf file double-sided. Example: In a book a chapter paragraph style is set to always start with an odd numbered page. If the previous chapter ends on an odd page, LibreOffice inserts an even numbered blank page. This option controls whether to export that even numbered page or not.
This option affects how PDF images are exported back to PDF. When this option is disabled, then the first page of the PDF data is included in the output. The PDF export merges the used images, fonts and other resources during export. This is a complex operation, but the result can be viewed in various viewers. When the option is enabled, then the reference XObject markup is used: this is a simple operation, but viewers have to support this markup to show vector images. Otherwise a fallback bitmap is shown in the viewer.