ギャラリー 内でひとつのオブジェクトを拡大/縮小する場合は、そのオブジェクトをダブルクリックするか、選択して Space キーを押します。
Themes are listed on the left side of the Gallery. Click a theme to view the objects associated with the theme.
To insert a Gallery object, select the object, and then drag it into the document.
Themes context menu
Deletes the current selection. If multiple objects are selected, all will be deleted. In most cases, a confirmation question appears before objects are deleted.
Changes the title of the selected object. After selecting Title the name is selected and a new one can be entered directly. Use the arrow keys to set the cursor at the beginning or end of the name to delete or add to part of the name or to reposition the cursor.
Deletes the current selection. If multiple objects are selected, all will be deleted. In most cases, a confirmation question appears before objects are deleted.