LibreOffice 25.2 ヘルプ
The Add-in functions are supplied by the UNO service.
Calculates the modified Bessel function of the first kind In(x).
X は、関数が計算される値です。
N is a positive integer (N >= 0) representing the order of the Bessel function In(x)
=BESSELI(3.45, 4), returns 0.651416873060081
=BESSELI(3.45, 4.333), returns 0.651416873060081, same as above because the fractional part of N is ignored.
=BESSELI(-1, 3), returns -0.022168424924332
Calculates the Bessel function of the first kind Jn(x) (cylinder function).
X は、関数が計算される値です。
N is a positive integer (N >= 0) representing the order of the Bessel function Jn(x)
=BESSELJ(3.45, 4), returns 0.196772639864984
=BESSELJ(3.45, 4.333), returns 0.196772639864984, same as above because the fractional part of N is ignored.
=BESSELJ(-1, 3), returns -0.019563353982668
Calculates the modified Bessel function of the second kind Kn(x).
X is the strictly positive value (X > 0) on which the function will be calculated.
N is a positive integer (N >= 0) representing the order of the Bessel function Kn(x)
=BESSELK(3.45, 4), returns 0.144803466373734
=BESSELK(3.45, 4.333), returns 0.144803466373734, same as above because the fractional part of N is ignored.
=BESSELK(0, 3), returns Err:502 – invalid argument (X=0)
Calculates the Bessel function of the second kind Yn(x).
X is the strictly positive value (X > 0) on which the function will be calculated.
N is a positive integer (N >= 0) representing the order of the Bessel function Yn(x)
=BESSELY(3.45, 4), returns -0.679848116844476
=BESSELY(3.45, 4.333), returns -0.679848116844476, same as above because the fractional part of N is ignored.
=BESSELY(0, 3), returns Err:502 – invalid argument (X=0)
The result is the number for the binary (base-2) number string entered.
Number is a string representing a binary (base-2) number. It can have a maximum of 10 places (bits). The most significant bit is the sign bit. Negative numbers are entered as two's complement.
=BIN2DEC("1100100") returns 100.
The result is the string representing the number in hexadecimal form for the binary (base-2) number string entered.
BIN2HEX(Number [; Places])
Number is a string representing a binary (base-2) number. It can have a maximum of 10 places (bits). The most significant bit is the sign bit. Negative numbers are entered as two's complement.
桁数 は、出力される桁数を意味します。
=BIN2HEX("1100100";6) returns "000064".
The result is the string representing the number in octal form for the binary (base-2) number string entered.
BIN2OCT(Number [; Places])
Number is a string representing a binary (base-2) number. It can have a maximum of 10 places (bits). The most significant bit is the sign bit. Negative numbers are entered as two's complement.
桁数 は、出力される桁数を意味します。
=BIN2OCT("1100100";4) returns "0144".
The result is the string representing the number in binary (base-2) form for the number entered.
DEC2BIN(Number [; Places])
Number is a number between -512 and 511. If Number is negative, the function returns a binary number string with 10 characters. The most significant bit is the sign bit, the other 9 bits return the value.
桁数 は、出力される桁数を意味します。
=DEC2BIN(100;8) returns "01100100".
The result is the string representing the number in hexadecimal form for the number entered.
DEC2HEX(Number [; Places])
Number is a number. If Number is negative, the function returns a hexadecimal number string with 10 characters (40 bits). The most significant bit is the sign bit, the other 39 bits return the value.
桁数 は、出力される桁数を意味します。
=DEC2HEX(100;4) returns "0064".
The result is the string representing the number in octal form for the number entered.
DEC2OCT(Number [; Places])
Number is a number. If Number is negative, the function returns an octal number string with 10 characters (30 bits). The most significant bit is the sign bit, the other 29 bits return the value.
桁数 は、出力される桁数を意味します。
=DEC2OCT(100;4) returns "0144".
引数として使用される 2 つの数値が等しいときは TRUE (1)、等しくないときは FALSE (0) を返します。
DELTA(Number1 [; Number2])
=DELTA(1;2) は、0 を返します。
Gauss 誤差関数の積分値を返します。
ERF(LowerLimit [; UpperLimit])
下限 は、インテグラルの下限です。
UpperLimit is optional. It is the upper limit of the integral. If this value is missing, the calculation takes place between 0 and the lower limit.
=ERF(0;1) は、0.842701 を返します。
Returns values of the Gaussian error integral between 0 and the given limit.
LowerLimit is the limit of the integral. The calculation takes place between 0 and this limit.
=ERF.PRECISE(1) returns 0.842701.
Gauss 相補誤差関数の積分値 (x と無限の間) を返します。
下限 は、インテグラルの下限です。
=ERFC(1) は、0.157299 を返します。
Returns complementary values of the Gaussian error integral between x and infinity.
下限 は、インテグラルの下限です。
=ERFC.PRECISE(1) は、0.157299 を返します。
数値がステップ以上の場合、結果は 1 です。
GESTEP(Number [; Step])
=GESTEP(5;1) は、1 を返します。
The result is the string representing the number in binary (base-2) form for the hexadecimal number string entered.
HEX2BIN(Number [; Places])
Number is a string that represents a hexadecimal number. It can have a maximum of 10 places. The most significant bit is the sign bit, the following bits return the value. Negative numbers are entered as two's complement.
桁数 は、出力される桁数です。
=HEX2BIN("6a";8) returns "01101010".
The result is the number for the hexadecimal number string entered.
Number is a string that represents a hexadecimal number. It can have a maximum of 10 places. The most significant bit is the sign bit, the following bits return the value. Negative numbers are entered as two's complement.
=HEX2DEC("6a") は、106 を返します。
The result is the string representing the number in octal form for the hexadecimal number string entered.
HEX2OCT(Number [; Places])
Number is a string that represents a hexadecimal number. It can have a maximum of 10 places. The most significant bit is the sign bit, the following bits return the value. Negative numbers are entered as two's complement.
桁数 は、出力される桁数です。
=HEX2OCT("6a";4) returns "0152".