LibreOffice 24.8 ヘルプ
Statements that do not belong to any of the other categories are described here.
Transfers the control of the program to a subroutine, a function, or a procedure of a Dynamic Link Library (DLL). The keyword, type and number of parameters is dependent on the routine that is being called.
Declare ステートメントで読み込んだ DLL を解放します。解放後の DLL は、その中の関数が呼び出された場合、自動的に再読み込みされます。次も参照してください:Declare
A function is a block of code which runs when it is called. A function is usually called in an expression.
You can pass data, known as parameters or arguments, into a function. You may pass a parameter by value or by reference. When by reference, modifications applied to the parameter in the function will be sent back to the calling code.
A function usually returns data as a result.
表式と値のペアを引数として、これら引数のリストを対象とした判定処理を行います。Switch 関数は、与えられた表式がどの引数に該当するかを判定して、対応する値を返します。
Sets an object as the default object. Unless another object name is declared, all properties and methods refer to the default object until the End With statement is reached.