Page Number

The current page number is displayed in this field of the status bar. A click opens "Go to Page", with which you can navigate in the document. A right-click shows all bookmarks in the document. Click a bookmark to position the text cursor at the bookmark location.

The displayed page (x) and the total number of pages (y) are shown in the form Page x/y When you scroll through a document with the mouse, the page number is displayed when you release the mouse button. When you scroll using the right scrollbar, the page numbers are displayed as a Help tip. The page numbering format of the status bar and scrollbar is identical.

You can turn the Navigator display on or off by double-clicking the Page Number field.

To go to a specific page, enter the page number in the Page spin button in the Navigator and then press Enter.

Táknmynd fyrir athugasemd

By pressing the shortcut keys Shift++F5, you switch to entering a page number. When you press Enter, the cursor moves to the selected page.

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