Text Flow

Set the text flow options for the text before and after the table.

Til að nálgast þessa skipun...

Choose Table - Properties - Text Flow tab.



Select this check box, and then select the type of break that you want to associate with the table.


Inserts a page break before or after the table.


Inserts a column break before or after the table on a multi-column page.

Á undan

Inserts a page or column break before the table.


Inserts a page or column break after the table.

Með síðustíl

Applies the page style that you specify to the first page that follows the page break.


Select the page style that you want to apply to the first page that follows the break.


Enter the page number for the first page that follows the break. If you want to continue the current page numbering, leave the checkbox unchecked.

Leyfa töflu að skiptast yfir blaðsíður og dálka

Allows a page break or column break between the rows of a table.

Leyfa röð að skiptast yfir blaðsíður og dálka

Allows a page break or column break inside a row of the table. This option is not applied to the first row in a table if the Repeat Heading option is selected.

Halda með næstu málsgrein

Keeps the table and the following paragraph together when you insert the break.

Endurtaka fyrirsögn

Repeats the table heading on a new page when the table spans more than one page.

The first ... rows

Enter the number of rows to include in the heading.

Text orientation

Select the orientation for the text in the cells. You can use the following formatting options to specify the orientation of text in table cells:

Lóðrétt viðfang

Specify the vertical text alignment for the cells in the table.

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