Leiðarvísir fyrir dagskrá - Nöfn

Specifies the names to be printed on the agenda.

Til að nálgast þessa skipun...

Choose File - Wizards - Agenda - Names.

Fundur umbeðinn af

Specifies whether to print a line where you can enter the person who called the meeting.


Specifies whether to print a line where you can enter the chairperson.


Specifies whether to print a line where you can enter the minute keeper.


Specifies whether to print a line where you can enter the moderator.


Specifies whether to print a line where you can enter the attendees.


Specifies whether to print a line where you can enter the observers.


Specifies whether to print a line where you can enter the facility personnel.

Farðu í Leiðarvísir fyrir dagskrá - Atriði í dagskrá

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