
Veldu þá möguleika sem þú vilt að séu notaðir við sjálfvirka leiðréttingu um leið og þú skrifar, smelltu síðan á Í lagi.

Til að nálgast þessa skipun...

Choose Tools - AutoCorrect Options - Options tab.

Nota útskiptitöflu

Ef þú slærð inn stafarunu eða skammstöfun sem samsvarar færslu í útskiptitöflunni, verður stafarununni skipt út fyrir textann sem þar er tilgreindur.

Leiðrétta TVo STóra STafi

Ef þú slærð inn tvo hástafi í byrjun "ORrðs", verður seinni hástafnum sjálfkrafa skipt út fyrir lágstaf.


No corrections are made to entries found in an applicable spelling dictionary.

Setja hástaf á fyrsta staf í hverri setningu.

Capitalizes the first letter of every sentence

Automatic *bold*, /italic/, -strikeout- and _underline_

Automatically applies bold, italic, strikethrough or underline formatting to text enclosed by asterisks (*), slashes (/), hyphens (-), and underscores (_), respectively. These characters disappear after the formatting is applied.

Táknmynd fyrir athugasemd

This feature does not work if the formatting characters * / - _ are entered with an Input Method Editor.

Þekkja vefslóðir

Býr sjálfkrafa til veftengil/stiklu þegar þú slærð inn slóð (URL).

Skipta út þankastrikum

Replaces one or two hyphens with a long dash (see the following table).

Text will be replaced after you type a trailing white space (space, tab, or return). In the following table, the A and B represent text consisting of letters A to z or digits 0 to 9. N represents digits only.

Text that you type:

Result that you get:

A - B (A, space, minus, space, B)

A – B (A, space, en-dash, space, B)

A -- B (A, space, minus, minus, space, B)

A – B (A, space, en-dash, space, B)

A--B (A, minus, minus, B)

A—B (A, em-dash, B)
(see note below the table)

N--N (N, minus, minus, N)

N–N (N, en-dash, N)

A-B (A, minus, B)

A-B (unchanged)

A -B (A, space, minus, B)

A -B (unchanged)

A --B (A, space, minus, minus, B)

A –B (A, space, en-dash, B)


If the text has the Hungarian or Finnish language attribute, then two hyphens in the sequence A--B are replaced by an en-dash instead of an em-dash.

Hunsa tvöföld bil

Skiptir tveimur bilum í röð út fyrir einfalt bil.

Correct accidental use of cAPS LOCK key

Inverts a capitalized word entered with the Caps Lock key enabled, after a space is entered, and disables the Caps Lock key. For example, entering Libre with Caps Lock enabled appears as lIBRE, which is converted automatically to Libre.

Dialog Buttons


Resets modified values back to the tab page previous values.

Hætta við

Closes dialog and discards all changes.


Saves all changes and closes dialog.

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