LibreOffice 25.2 Help
In a database file window, choose Tools - Table Filter.
View - Database Objects - Queries
In a database file window, choose Edit - Database - Properties - Advanced Settings tab.
In a database file window of type ODBC or Address book,
choose Edit - Database - Connection Type.
Path selection button in various wizards / Edit buttons for some entries in - LibreOffice - Paths.
In a database file window of type ODBC, choose Edit - Database - Connection Type.
In a database file window of type Address book - LDAP, choose Edit - Database - Properties.
In a database file window of type JDBC, choose Edit - Database - Properties.
In a database file window of type MySQL, choose Edit - Database - Properties.
In a database file window of type dBASE, choose Edit - Database - Properties.
In a database file window of type dBASE, choose Edit - Database - Properties, click Indexes.
In a database file window of type Text, choose Edit - Database - Properties.
In a database file window of type MS ADO, choose Edit - Database - Properties.
In a database file window, choose Tools - SQL.
In a database file window, click the Queries icon.
In a database file window, click the Tables icon.
In a database file window, click the Tables icon. Choose Insert - Table Design or Edit - Edit.
In a database file window, click the Tables icon. Choose Insert - Table Design or Edit - Edit.
In a database file window, choose Insert - Query (Design view).
In a database file window, click the Queries icon, then choose Edit - Edit.
In a database file window, click the Queries icon, then choose Edit - Edit.
If the referenced fields no longer exist, you see this dialog.
Open query design and choose Insert - New Relation, or double-click on a connection line between two tables.
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Find Record icon on the Table Data bar and Form Design bar.
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Sort Order icon on the Table Data bar and Form Design bar.
In a database file window, choose Edit - Database - Properties.
Drag and drop a table or a query into the table part of another database file window.
In a database file window, choose Insert - Form.
In a database file window, choose Edit - Database - Properties.