Til að nálgast þessa skipun...

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From the sheet navigation bar:

From the tabbed interface:

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From the keyboard:

From the start center:

From the status bar:

From the sidebar:

Open file with example:

Icon Font Color

Litur á letri

Icon Line spacing: 1

Línubil: 1

Icon Line spacing: 1.5

Línubil: 1.5

Icon Line spacing: 2

Línubil: 2

Icon Superscript


Icon Subscript


Icon Line Style


Icon Line Color

Litur línu

Icon Line Thickness

Line Thickness

Icon Area Style / Filling

Stíll flatar / fylling

Icon Align Top


Icon Align Bottom


Icon Align Center Vertically

Jafna lóðrétt miðju

Icon Apply


Icon Cancel

Hætta við

Icon Up One Level

Upp um eitt stig

Icon Create New Directory

Búa til nýja möppu

Icon Up One Level

Upp um eitt stig

Icon Create New Folder

Create New Folder

Icon Go to the previous comment

Fara í fyrri athugasemd

Icon Go to the next comment

Fara í næstu athugasemd

Icon Open File

Opna skrá

Icon Flip Vertically

Flip Vertically

Icon Flip Horizontally

Flip Horizontally

From the menu bar:

Choose View - Grid and Helplines - Display Grid.

From toolbars:

Icon Display Grid

Display Grid

From the menu bar:

Choose View - Grid and Helplines - Snap to Grid.

From toolbars:

Icon Snap to Grid

Snap to Grid

Icon Save As

Vista sem

Icon Export Directly as PDF

Flytja út beint sem PDF

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