Teikningasláin er með öllum helstu teikniáhöldunum.
Allows you to select objects in the current document.
Line Color
Sets the line color of the selected object.
Fill Color
Sets the area color of the selected object.
Draws a straight line where you drag in the current document. To constrain the line to 45 degrees, hold down Shift while you drag.
Teiknar fylltan ferhyrning þar sem þú dregur í skjalinu. Smelltu þar sem þú vilt hafa eitt hornið og dragðu bendilinn til að ákvarða stærðina. Til að teikna jafnan ferning, haltu þá niðri Shift-hnappnum á meðan dregið er.
Teiknar fylltan sporbaug þar sem þú dregur í skjalinu. Smelltu þar sem þú vilt hafa sporbauginn og dragðu bendilinn til að ákvarða stærðina. Til að teikna jafnstóran hring, haltu þá niðri Shift-hnappnum á meðan dregið er.
Open the toolbar, where you can add straight lines, lines with arrows, and dimension lines to the current slide or page.
The icon on the Drawing bar opens the Lines toolbar, where you can add lines and shapes to the current slide.
Open the Connectors toolbar, where you can add connectors to objects in the current slide. A connector is a line that joins objects, and remains attached when the objects are moved. If you copy an object with a connector, the connector is also copied.
Opens the Basic Shapes toolbar which you can use to insert graphics into your document.
Opens the Symbol Shapes toolbar from which you can insert graphics into your document.
Opens the Block Arrows toolbar from which you can insert graphics into your document.
Opens the Flowchart toolbar from which you can insert graphics into your document.
Opens the Callouts toolbar from which you can insert graphics into your document.
Opens the Stars and Banners toolbar from which you can insert graphics into your document.
Opens the 3D Objects toolbar. The objects are three dimensional, with depth, illumination, and reflection. Each inserted object initially forms a 3D scene. You can press F3 to enter the scene. For these 3D objects, you can open the 3D Effects dialog to edit the properties.