
Myndasláin er birt þegar þú setur inn eða velur mynd í blaði.

Image Filter

This icon on the Image bar opens the Image Filter bar, where you can use various filters on the selected picture.

Icon Filter


Grafískur hamur

Lists view attributes for the selected graphic object. The embedded or linked graphic object in the current file will not be changed, only the view of the object.

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Grafískur hamur


Opens the Color toolbar so you can edit some properties of the selected object.


Specifies the transparency in the graphic object. Values from 0% (fully opaque) to +100% (fully transparent) are possible.




Allows to crop the display of an inserted picture. Only the display gets cropped, the inserted picture is not changed. A picture must be selected to enable cropping.

In Impress and Draw no dialog is shown when you click the icon, but you see eight cropping handles. Open the context menu of a selected picture and choose Crop Image, if you want to use the dialog for cropping.

Drag any of the eight cropping handles to crop the picture.


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Allows you to switch between anchoring options.

From toolbars:

Icon Anchor


Setja fremst

Moves the selected object to the top of the stacking order, so that it is in front of other objects.

Icon Bring to Front

Setja fremst

Setja aftast

Moves the selected object to the bottom of the stacking order, so that it is behind the other objects.

Icon Send to Back

Setja aftast

Í forgrunn

Moves the selected object in front of text.

Icon To Foreground

Í forgrunn

Á bakgrunn

Moves the selected object behind text.

Icon To Background

Á bakgrunn


Modifies the alignment of selected objects.



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