
You can set the locale used for controlling the formatting numbers, dates and currencies in LibreOffice Basic in - Languages and Locales - General. In Basic format codes, the decimal point (.) is always used as placeholder for the decimal separator defined in your locale and will be replaced by the corresponding character.

The same applies to the locale settings for date, time and currency formats. The Basic format code will be interpreted and displayed according to your locale setting.

The color values of the 16 basic colors are as follows:


































Transparent white

Open Tools - Macros - Organize Dialogs and select LibreOffice Dialogs container.

Open Tools - Macros - LibreOffice Basic - Edit and select Application Macros container.

This library must be loaded before execution. Execute the following statement before running any macro that uses this library:


This constant, function or object is enabled with the statement Option VBASupport 1 placed before the executable program code in a module.


This statement must be added before the executable program code in a module.


Return value:



In Basic

In Python


This method is only available for Basic scripts.


This method is only available for Python scripts.


This method requires the installation of the APSO (Alternative Script Organizer for Python) extension. In turn APSO requires the presence of LibreOffice Python scripting framework. If APSO or Python are missing, an error occurs.


This service is fully supported in both Basic and Python languages. All examples are expressed using the Basic programming language and can be easily converted to Python.

String functions

VBA financial functions

VBA Time and Date functions

VBA I/O functions

VBA Mathematical functions

VBA Object functions

Error codes:

1 An exception occurred

2 Formvilla

3 Return án Gosub

4 Incorrect entry; please retry

5 Ógilt kall á stefju

6 Yfirflæði

7 Ekki nægt minni

8 Fylki er þegar með vídd

9 Index out of defined range

10 Tvítekin skilgreining

11 Deiling með núlli

12 Breyta ekki skilgreind

13 Mismunur á gagnategund

14 Ógild færibreyta

18 Aðgerð var trufluð af notanda

20 Halda áfram án villu

28 Ekki nóg staflaminni

35 Sub-procedure or function procedure not defined

48 Villa við að hlaða inn DLL skrá

49 Kallað rangt á stefju í DLL

51 Innri villa

52 Ógilt nafn eða númer á skjali

53 Skrá fannst ekki

54 Ógildur skráarhamur

55 Skráin er þegar opin

57 I/O villa tækis

58 Skráin er þegar til

59 Röng stærð færslu

61 Disk or hard drive full

62 Reading exceeds EOF

63 Rangt færslunúmer

67 Of margar skrár

68 Tækið er ekki tiltækt

70 Aðgangur óheimill

71 Diskur ekki tilbúinn

73 Ekki útfært

74 Renaming on different drives impossible

75 Slóð/Skrá aðgangsvilla

76 Slóð finnst ekki

91 Hlutabreyta ekki með gildi

93 Ógilt strengjasnið

94 Use of zero not permitted

250 DDE villa

280 Awaiting response to DDE connection

281 No DDE channels available

282 No application responded to DDE connect initiation

283 Too many applications responded to DDE connect initiation

284 DDE channel locked

285 External application cannot execute DDE operation

286 Timeout while waiting for DDE response

287 user pressed ESCAPE during DDE operation

288 External application busy

289 DDE operation without data

290 Data are in wrong format

291 External application has been terminated

292 DDE connection interrupted or modified

293 DDE method invoked with no channel open

294 Ógilt snið DDE tengils

295 DDE message has been lost

296 Paste link already performed

297 Link mode cannot be set due to invalid link topic

298 DDE requires the DDEML.DLL file

323 Module cannot be loaded; invalid format

341 Ógildur hlutavísir

366 Hlutur er ekki tiltækur

380 Rangt gildi eiginleika

382 Þetta eigindi er skrifvarið

394 Þetta eigindi er lesvarið

420 Ógild hlutatilvísun

423 Eiginleiki eða aðgerð fannst ekki

424 Hlut vantar

425 Ógild notkun á hlut

430 OLE Automation is not supported by this object

438 This property or method is not supported by the object

440 Villa í OLE sjálfvirkni

445 This action is not supported by given object

446 Named arguments are not supported by given object

447 The current locale setting is not supported by the given object

448 Breyta með nafni fannst ekki

449 Breyta er ekki valkvæm

450 Ógildur fjöldi af breytum

451 Hlutur er ekki safni

452 Ógild raðtala

453 Fann ekki tiltekna DLL aðgerð

460 Ógilt klippispjaldssnið

951 Óvænt tákn:

952 Átti von á:

953 Vænti tákns

954 Vænti breytu

955 Vænti merkis

956 Value cannot be applied

957 Breyta þegar skilgreind

958 Sub procedure or function procedure already defined

959 Merki þegar skilgreint

960 Breyta fannst ekki

961 Fylki eða aðferð finnst ekki

962 Aðferð finnst ekki

963 Merki óskilgreint

964 Unknown data type

965 Vænti að hætta

966 Statement block still open: missing

967 Parentheses do not match

968 Symbol already defined differently

969 Parameters do not correspond to procedure

970 Invalid character in number

971 Fylki verður að hafa stærðir

972 Else/Endif without If

973 not allowed within a procedure

974 not allowed outside a procedure

975 Dimension specifications do not match

976 Unknown option:

977 Constant redefined

978 Program too large

979 Strings or arrays not permitted

1000 Object does not have this property

1001 Object does not have this method

1002 Required argument lacking

1003 Ógildur fjöldi af skilyrðum

1004 Error executing a method

1005 Unable to set property

1006 Unable to determine property

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