Memutar Teks

You can only rotate text that is contained in a drawing object.

To illustrate this functionality we choose a text box in the example below.

You can choose whatever drawing object fits your need from the Drawing toolbar.

  1. Choose View - Toolbars - Drawing to open the Drawing toolbar.

  2. Select the Insert Text Box Icon Insert Text Box icon.

  3. Seret dokumen Anda untuk menggambar objek teks, lalu ketikkan teks Anda.

  4. Click outside of the object to close the text box.

    Click on the text you entered.

  5. Click the Rotate Icon Toggle Object Rotate Mode icon on the Drawing Object Properties toolbar.

  6. Seret salah satu gagang sudut objek teks.


Anda juga dapat mengklik kanan objek teks, pilih Posisi dan Ukuran, klik Rotasi tab, dan kemudian masukkan sudut rotasi atau posisi baru untuk objek.

Mohon dukung kami!