User Interface

Opens the Select Your Preferred User Interface dialog to let you choose the user interface layout for LibreOffice.

Untuk mengakses fungsi ini...

From the menu bar:

Choose menu View - User Interface

From the tabbed interface:

On the top right menu (☰), choose User Interface.

The notebook bar shows a different way to organize controls and icons than a collection of straight rows of icons, displaying contextual groups of commands and contents for a quicker usage and better user experience.

Layout antarmuka pengguna

The User Interface entry defines which user interface elements are visible.

Standard toolbar

Classic mode with two visible toolbars – standard and formatting. The sidebar is partially collapsed and shows only tabs. Intended for users who are familiar with the classic interface.


In this mode, the bar is divided into tabs, where each tab displays a set of icons grouped by context. The context can also change depending on the object selected in the document, for example a table or an image. The Tabbed user interface is the most similar to the Ribbons used in Microsoft Office. It organizes functions in tabs and makes the main menu obsolete.

Tabbed compact

Varian Tab Ringkas bertujuan untuk dapat akrab dengan antarmuka Microsoft Office, dengan lebih sedikit penggunaan ruang bagi layar yang lebih kecil.

Groupedbar compact

The Groupedbar Compact interface provides access to functions in groups, with icons for most-frequently used features, and dropdown menus for others. This compact variant favors vertical space.

Contextual single

Antarmuka Kontekstual Tunggal memperlihatkan fungsi dalam bilah alat baris tunggal dengan konten yang bergantung pada konteks.

Single toolbar

Standard user interface but with single-line toolbar. Intended for use on small screens. The sidebar is collapsed.

Bilah sisi

Standard user interface with expanded sidebar. Expert users who want to quickly change many different properties are advised to use this user interface.

Ketika pengguna mengaktifkan bilah alat tambahan, mereka akan tersimpan di profil pengguna. Karenanya, saat kembali ke mode bilah catatan, semua bilah alat yang sebelumnya diatur terlihat akan ditampilkan kembali.


Mode Bertab dan BilahBerkelompok juga tersedia sebagai varian ringkas.


The notebook bar icon size is adjustable in - LibreOffice - View - Notebookbar icon size listbox.


Bilah catatan tidak dapat diubah.


The current implementation (LibreOffice 25.2) of the notebook bar is common to Writer, Calc, Draw and Impress modules. A change in the notebook bar in one module will affect the notebook bar of the other modules.

Bilah Alat

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