LibreOffice memungkinkan Anda menentukan warna kustom menggunakan grafik gradien grafis dan angka dua dimensi Memilih warnadialog.
Tekan tombol Dialog Warna dalam tab Iluminasi dari dialog Efek 3D.
Masukkan intensitas efek pencahayaan.
Click here to apply the properties shown in the dialog to the selected object.
Click here to view in the dialog all the properties of the selected object.
Pratinjau Ruas
Displays a preview of the current selection.
Convert to 3-D
Use this icon to convert a selected 2D object to a 3D object. You can also select several 2D objects and convert them to one single 3D object. To convert a group of 2D objects to 3D, you must first ungroup the selected objects.
Convert to 3-D
Konversikan ke Objek Rotasi
Click here to convert a selected 2D object to a 3D rotation object. You can also select several 2D objects and convert them to one single 3D rotation object. To convert a group of 2D objects to 3D, you must first ungroup the selected objects.
Konversikan ke Objek Rotasi
Perspektif Nyala/Mati
Click here to turn the perspective view on or off.