
Berisi informasi deskriptif tentang dokumen.

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Choose File - Properties then select the Description tab.

LibreOffice supports the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, a standardized set of metadata elements used to describe physical and electronic documents.


You can add additional metadata elements in the Custom Properties tab.

Title, Subject, and Keywords are exported to PDF files as PDF Document Properties. Entered values are exported and will appear in the corresponding fields in the PDF Document Properties Description.



Masukkan judul untuk dokumen.

DCMI Definition: A name given to the resource.


Masukkan subjek untuk dokumen. Anda dapat menggunakan subjek untuk dokumen grup dengan konten serupa.

DCMI Definition: The topic of the resource.


Masukkan kata yang ingin anda gunakan untuk mengindeks konten dokumen Anda. Kata kunci harus dipisahkan dengan koma. Kata kunci dapat berisi karakter spasi dan atau titik koma.


Enter the names of the people, organizations, or other entities that have made contributions to the document. For example, the names of the document’s authors, or team members who contributed data to it.

DCMI Definition: An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource.


Enter the time, place, or jurisdiction that the document is relevant to. For example, a range of dates, a place, or an institution that the document applies to.

DCMI Definition: The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant.


Enter a unique and unambiguous identifier for the document. For example, a document number or ISBN.

DCMI Definition: An unambiguous reference to the document within a specific context.


Enter the name of the entity that is making the document available. For example, a company, university, or government body.

DCMI Definition: An entity responsible for making the resource available.


Enter information about resources related to the document. For example, a set of volumes the document is part of, or the document's edition number.

DCMI Definition: A related resource.


Enter information intellectual property rights associated with the document. For example, a copyright statement, or information about who has permission to access the document.

DCMI Definition: Information about rights held in and over the resource.


Enter information about other resources from which the document is derived. For example, the name or identifier of a hard copy that the document was scanned from, or a url that the document was downloaded from.

DCMI Definition: A related resource from which the described resource is derived.


Enter information about the category or format of the document. For example, whether the document is a text document, image, or multimedia presentation.

DCMI Definition: The nature or genre of the resource.


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