Menu Berkas

From the menu bar:

Choose File - Preview in Web Browser.

From the menu bar:

Choose File - New.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose File - New.

On the top right menu (ā˜°), choose New.

From toolbars:

Icon New

New (the icon shows the type of the new document).

From the start center:

Click on the corresponding document type icon.

From the keyboard:


Menu File - New - Templates.

Key Shift++N

Pilih Berkas - Baru - Label.

Choose File - New - Labels - Labels tab.

Pilih tab Berkas - Baru - Label - Format.

Pilih tab Berkas - Baru - Kartu Nama - Format.

Pilih tab Berkas - Baru - Label - Opsi.

Pilih tab Berkas - Baru - Kartu Nama - Opsi.

Pilih Berkas - Baru - Kartu Nama.

Pilih tab Berkas - Baru - Kartu Nama - Sedang.

Pilih tab Berkas - Baru - Kartu Bisnis - Kartu Bisnis.

Pilih tab Berkas - Baru - Kartu Nama - Pribadi.

Pilih tab Berkas - Baru - Kartu Nama - Bisnis.

From the menu bar:

Choose File - Open.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose File - Open.

From the start center:

Open File.

From toolbars:

Icon Open

Buka Berkas

From the keyboard:


From the menu bar:

Choose File - Open Remote.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose File, then long-click on the Open icon, and select Open Remote File.

From toolbars:

Icon Open Remote

Open Remote

From the start center:

Remote Files.

From the menu bar:

Choose File - Recent Documents.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose File, then long-click on the Open icon. A list of recent documents will display.

From toolbars:

Icon Recent Documents

Recent Documents

From the start center:

Recent Documents.

Menu File - Open, File type Text Encoded selected.

Menu File - Save As, File type Text Encoded selected.

Pilih Berkas - Wahana Pandu.

Pilih Berkas - Wahana Pandu - Surat.

Pilih Berkas - Wahana Pandu - Surat - Desain Halaman.

PilihBerkas - Wahana Pandu - Surat - Tata Letak Kop Surat.

Pilih Berkas - Wahana Pandu - Surat - Item yang Dicetak.

Pilih Berkas - Wahana Pandu - Surat - Penerima dan Pengirim.

Pilih Berkas - Wahana Pandu - Surat - Kaki.

Pilih Berkas - Wahana Pandu - Surat - Nama dan Lokasi.

Pilih Berkas - Wahana Pandu - Faks.

Pilih Berkas - Wahana Pandu - Faks - Disain Halaman.

Pilih Berkas - Wahana Pandu - Faks - Item untuk disertakan.

Pilih Berkas - Wahana Pandu - Faks - Pengirim dan Penerima.

Pilih Berkas - Wahana Pandu - Faks - Kaki.

Pilih Berkas - Wahana Pandu - Faks - Nama dan Lokasi.

Pilih Berkas - Wahana Pandu - Agenda.

Pilih Berkas - Wahana Pandu - Agenda - Design Halaman.

Pilih Berkas - Wahana Pandu - Agenda - Informasi Umum.

Pilih Berkas - Wahana Pandu - Agenda - Tajuk untuk dimasukkan.

Pilih Berkas - Wahana Pandu - Agenda - Nama.

Pilih Berkas - Wahana Pandu - Agenda - Butir Agenda.

Pilih Berkas - Wisaya - Wahana Pandu - Nama dan Lokasi.

Klik Gunakan Wahana Pandu untuk Membuat Formulir di dalam sebuah jendela berkas basis data.

Klik Gunakan Wahana Pandu untuk Membuat Laporan dalam jendela berkas basis data.

Dalam design formulir, klik ikon Kotak Grup pada bilah alat
dan gunakan tetikus untuk membuat sebuah bingkai.

Dalam disain formulir, klik ikon Kotak Grup pada bilah alat
dan gunakan tetikus untuk membuat sebuah bingkai - Wahana Pandu halaman 1.

Dalam disain formulir, klik ikon Kotak Grup pada bilah alat
dan gunakan tetikus untuk membuat sebuah bingkai - Wahana Pandu halaman 2.

Dalam disain formulir, klik ikon Kotak Grup pada bilah alat
dan gunakan tetikus untuk membuat sebuah bingkai - Wahana Pandu halaman 3.

Dalam disain formulir, klik ikon Kotak Grup pada bilah alat
dan gunakan tetikus untuk membuat sebuah bingkai - Wahana Pandu halaman 4, harus ada koneksi basis data.

Dalam disain formulir, klik ikon Kotak Grup pada bilah alat
dan gunakan tetikus untuk membuat sebuah bingkai - Halaman terakhir dari wahana pandu.

Pilih Berkas - Wahana Pandu - Pengonversi Dokumen.

Pilih Berkas - Wahana Pandu - Pengonversi Dokumen.

Pilih Berkas - Wahana Pandu - Pengonversi Dokumen.

Pilih Berkas - Wahana Pandu - Pengonversi Euro.

Menu Berkas - Wahana Pandu - Sumber Data Alamat.

Wahana Pandu Sumber Data Alamat - Pengaturan tambahan

Wahana Pandu Sumber Data Alamat - Pemilihan tabel

Wahana Pandu Sumber Data Alamat - Judul sumber data

Wahana Pandu Sumber Data Alamat - Penugasan ruas

From the menu bar:

Choose File - Close.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose File - Close.

On the top right menu (ā˜°), choose Close.

From toolbars:

Icon Close


From the menu bar:

Select File - Templates.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose File - Templates.

From toolbars:

Icon Template Manager


From the keyboard:

+ Shift + N

From the start center:

Click on the Templates button.

From the menu bar:

Choose File - Save.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose File - Save.

From toolbars:

Icon Save


From the keyboard:


From the menu bar:

Choose File - Save As.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose File, then long-click on the Save icon, and select Save As.

From toolbars:

Icon Save as

Simpan Sebagai

From the keyboard:


From the menu bar:

Choose File - Save a Copy.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose File, long click on Save then choose Save a Copy.

From toolbars:

Icon Save a Copy

Save a Copy

From the menu bar:

Choose File - Save Remote.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose File, then long-click on the Save icon, and select Save Remote File.

From toolbars:

Long-click on the Save icon and select Save Remote File.

Icon Save Remote

Save Remote

Menu LibreOffice Draw atau LibreOffice Impress Berkas - Expor, pilih tipe berkas Dokumen HTML. Dialog terbuka secara otomatis.

Menu LibreOffice Draw atau LibreOffice Impress Berkas - Expor, pilih tipe berkas HTML, halaman 1 dari wahana pandu.

Menu LibreOffice Draw atau LibreOffice Impress Berkas - Expor, pilih tipe berkas HTML, halaman 2 dari wahana pandu.

Menu LibreOffice Draw atau LibreOffice Impress Berkas - Expor, pilih tipe berkas HTML, halaman 3 dari wahana pandu.

Menu LibreOffice Draw atau LibreOffice Impress Berkas - Expor, pilih tipe berkas HTML, halaman 4 dari wahana pandu.

Menu LibreOffice Draw atau LibreOffice Impress Berkas - Expor, pilih tipe berkas HTML, halaman 5 dari wahana pandu.

Menu LibreOffice Draw atau LibreOffice Impress Berkas - Expor, pilih tipe berkas HTML, halaman 6 dari wahana pandu.

Pilih Berkas - Ekspor, pilih sebuah tipe berkas grafik. Dialog terbuka setelah anda klik Simpan.

From the menu bar:

Choose File - Save All.

From toolbars:

Icon Save All

Save All

From the menu bar:

Choose File - Reload.

From toolbars:

Icon Reload


From the menu bar:

Choose File - Properties.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose File - Properties.

From toolbars:

Icon Document Properties

Document Properties

Choose File - Properties - General tab.

From the menu bar:

Choose File - Digital Signatures - Sign Existing PDF.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose File - Sign Existing PDF.

On the File menu of the File tab, choose Sign Existing PDF.

From toolbars:

Icon Sign Existing PDF

Sign Existing PDF

Choose - LibreOffice - Security and, in the Certificate Path area, click Certificate.

From the menu bar:

Choose File - Digital Signatures - Digital Signatures.

Choose File - Properties - General tab, click Digital Signatures button.

Choose Tools - Macros - Digital Signature.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose File - Digital Signatures.

From toolbars:

Icon Digital Signature

Digital Signature

From the status bar:

Click the Signature field on the Status bar.

Choose File - Properties - General tab, press Digital Signatures button, then click Sign Document button.

Choose File - Properties - Description tab.

Choose File - Properties - Custom Properties tab.

Choose File - Properties - Statistics tab.

Choose File - Properties - Security tab.

Choose File - Properties - CMIS Properties tab.

From the menu bar:

Choose File - Properties - Font tab.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose File - Properties - Font tab.

On the File menu of the File tab, choose Properties - Fonts.

From the menu bar:

Menu File - Print Preview.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose File - Print Preview

From the keyboard:

+ Shift + O

From toolbars:

Icon Print preview

Pratinjau Cetak

From the menu bar:

Choose File - Printer Settings.

From toolbars:

Icon Printer Settings

Printer Settings

From the menu bar:

Menu File - Send.

Choose File - Send - Email Document.

Icon Email Document

Email Document

From the menu bar:

Choose File - Export.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose File - Export.

From toolbars:

Icon Export


From the menu bar:

Choose File - Export As.

From toolbars:

Icon Export As

Export As

From the menu bar:

Choose File - Export As - Export as EPUB.

From toolbars:

Icon Export as EPUB

Export as EPUB

Choose File - Export As - Export as PDF - Digital Signatures tab.

Choose File - Export As - Export as PDF - Security tab.

Choose File - Export As - Export as PDF - General tab.

Choose File - Export As - Export as PDF - Initial View tab.

Choose File - Export As - Export as PDF - Links tab.

Choose File - Export As - Export as PDF - User Interface tab.

From the menu bar:

Choose File - Export As - Export as PDF.

From toolbars:

Icon Export as PDF

Export as PDF

Icon Export Directly as PDF

Ekspor Langsung sebagai PDF

Choose File - Send - Email as PDF.

Choose File - Send - Create Master Document.

From the menu bar:

Choose File - Print.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose File - Print.

From the keyboard:


From toolbars:

Print Icon


From the menu bar:

Choose File - Exit LibreOffice.

From toolbars:

Icon Exit


From the keyboard:


Choose File - New - Master Document.

Choose File - Open - File type, select Text CSV.

Choose Data - Text to Columns (Calc).

Copy data to clipboard, then choose Edit - Paste Special - Paste Special (Calc).

Choose File - Export, if EPS is selected as file type, this dialog opens automatically.

Choose File - Export, if PBM, PPM or PGM is selected as file type, the dialog opens automatically.

From the menu bar:

Choose File - Versions.

From toolbars:

Icon Versions


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