LibreOffice 25.2 Bantuan
By default LibreOffice displays one sheet "Sheet1" in each new spreadsheet document. You can add sheets using the (+) button at the bottom of the screen and switch between sheets in a spreadsheet using the sheet tabs.
If the sheet tabs are not visible, choose to display them at the bottom of the screen.
The navigation buttons are enabled when the number of sheets in the document is greater that the number of sheets displayed in the sheet navigation bar.
Gunakan tombol navigasi untuk menampilkan semua lembar milik dokumen anda. Mengklik tombol di paling kiri atau paling kanan menampilkan, masing-masing, tab lembar pertama atau terakhir. Tombol tengah memungkinkan pengguna untuk menggulir maju dan mundur melalui semua tab lembar. Untuk menampilkan lembar itu sendiri klik pada tab lembar.
Left click: Adds a new empty sheet to the right of the current sheet.
Right click: Opens a sub menu with all sheets not marked hidden. Click on a sheet name to jump to it. Hidden sheets are not listed in the sub menu.