Fungsi Format

Converts a numeric expression to a string, and then formats it according to the format that you specify.


Format(expression [, format As String]) As String


expression: Numeric expression that you want to convert to a formatted string.

format: String that specifies the format code for the number. If format is omitted, the Format function works like the LibreOffice Basic Str() function.

Nilai balikan:

Text string.

Kode Pemformatan

The following list describes the codes that you can use for formatting a numeric expression:

0: If expression has a digit at the position of the 0 in the format code, the digit is displayed, otherwise a zero is displayed.

If expression has fewer digits than the number of zeros in the format code, (on either side of the decimal), leading or trailing zeros are displayed. If the expression has more digits to the left of the decimal separator than the amount of zeros in the format code, the additional digits are displayed without formatting.

Decimal places in the expression are rounded according to the number of zeros that appear after the decimal separator in the format code.

#: If expression contains a digit at the position of the # placeholder in the format code, the digit is displayed, otherwise nothing is displayed at this position.

This symbol works like the 0, except that leading or trailing zeroes are not displayed if there are more # characters in the format code than digits in the expression. Only the relevant digits of the expression are displayed.

.: Placeholder desimal menentukan jumlah tempat desimal di sebelah kiri dan kanan pemisah desimal.

If the format code contains only # placeholders to the left of this symbol, numbers less than 1 begin with a decimal separator. To always display a leading zero with fractional numbers, use 0 as a placeholder for the first digit to the left of the decimal separator.

%: Multiplies the expressionby 100 and inserts the percent sign (%) where the expression appears in the format code.

E- E+ e- e+ : If the format code contains at least one digit placeholder (0 or #) to the right of the symbol E-, E+, e-, or e+, the expression is formatted in the scientific or exponential format. The letter E or e is inserted between the number and the exponent. The number of placeholders for digits to the right of the symbol determines the number of digits in the exponent.

Jika eksponen negatif, tanda minus ditampilkan langsung sebelum eksponen dengan E-, E+, e-, e+. Jika eksponen positif, tanda tambah hanya ditampilkan sebelum eksponen dengan E+ atau e+.

The thousands delimiter is displayed if the format code contains the delimiter enclosed by digit placeholders (0 or #).

Penggunaan periode sebagai pemisah ribuan dan desimal tergantung pada pengaturan regional. Saat Anda memasukkan bilangan secara langsung dalam kode sumber Dasar, selalu gunakan titik sebagai pembatas desimal. Karakter aktual yang ditampilkan sebagai pemisah desimal tergantung pada format angka dalam pengaturan sistem Anda.

- + $ ( ) space: A plus (+), minus (-), dollar ($), space, or brackets entered directly in the format code is displayed as a literal character.

Untuk menampilkan karakter selain dari yang tercantum di sini, Anda harus mendahului dengan garis miring terbalik (\), atau melampirkannya dalam tanda kutip (" ").

\ : The backslash displays the next character in the format code.

Characters in the format code that have a special meaning can only be displayed as literal characters if they are preceded by a backslash. The backslash itself is not displayed, unless you enter a double backslash (\\) in the format code.

Karakter yang harus didahului dengan garis miring terbalik dalam kode format agar dapat ditampilkan sebagai karakter literal adalah karakter format tanggal dan waktu (a, c, d, h, m, n, p, q, s, t, w, y, /, :), karakter pemformatan-numerik (#, 0, %, E, e, koma, titik), dan karakter pemformatan-string (@, &, <, >, !).

You can also use the following predefined number formats. Except for "General Number", all of the predefined format codes return the number as a decimal number with two decimal places.

Jika anda menggunakan format yang telah ditentukan, nama format harus dilampirkan dalam tanda kutip.

Format belum terdefinisikan

Nomor Umum: Nomor ditampilkan saat dimasukkan.

Mata Uang: Menyisipkan tanda dolar di depan nomor dan menyertakan angka negatif dalam tanda kurung kurung.

Diperbaiki: Menampilkan setidaknya satu digit di depan pemisah desimal.

Standar: Menampilkan angka dengan ribuan pemisah.

Persen: Mengalikan angka dengan 100 dan menambahkan tanda persen ke bilangan.

Ilmiah: Menampilkan angka dalam format ilmiah (misalnya, 1,00E + 03 untuk 1000).

A format code can be divided into three sections that are separated by semicolons. The first part defines the format for positive values, the second part for negative values, and the third part for zero. If you only specify one format code, it applies to all numbers.

You can set the locale used for controlling the formatting numbers, dates and currencies in LibreOffice Basic in - Languages and Locales - General. In Basic format codes, the decimal point (.) is always used as placeholder for the decimal separator defined in your locale and will be replaced by the corresponding character.

Hal yang sama juga terjadi pada pengaturan lokal untuk tanggal, waktu, dan format mata uang. Kode format Basic akan diinterpretasi dan ditampilkan menurut pengaturan lokal Anda.

Kode kesalahan:

5 Tidak sah dalam pemanggilan prosedur


Sub ExampleFormat
    MsgBox Format(6328.2, "##,##0.00")
    ' selalu gunakan penggalan sebagai pembatas desimal ketika Anda memasukkan angka dalam kode sumber dasar.
    ' menampilkan sebagai contoh 6,328.20 di lokal bahasa Inggris, 6.328.20 di lokal Jerman.
End Sub

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