Konversi ASCII/ANSI dalam String

Fungsi-fungsi berikut untukmengonversi string ke dan dari kode ASCII atau ANSI.

Asc Function (BASIC)

Mengembalikan nilai ASCII (Kode Standar Amerika untuk Pertukaran Informasi) dari karakter pertama dalam ekspresi string.

Chr Function

Mengembalikan karakter yang sesuai dengan kode karakter yang ditentukan.

Str Function

The Str function converts the contents of variables into a string. It handles numeric values, dates, strings and currency values.

Positive numbers are preceded by a blank space. Negative numbers are preceded by a minus sign.


For numeric values the string returned by the Str function is locale-independent. Hence the dot is used as the decimal separator when needed.

If a string is passed as argument, it is returned without any changes.

Dates are converted into locale-dependent strings.

Val Function

Use the Val function to convert a string that represents a number into numeric data type.


The string passed to the Val function is locale-independent. This means that commas are interpreted as thousands separators and a dot is used as the decimal separator.

CByte Function

Converts a string or a numeric expression to the Byte type.

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