LibreOffice 24.8 Bantuan
Menampilkan kotak dialog dimana user dapat memasukkan text. Masukkan di berikan pada sebuah variable.
InputBox adalah metode yang mudah digunakan untuk memasukkan teks melalui dialog. Konfirmasikan input dengan mengklik OK atau menekan Return. Masukan dikembalikan sebagai fungsi pengembalian nilai. Jika Anda menutup dialog dengan Batal, InputBox mengembalikan string nol-panjang ("").
InputBox (Prompt As String[, Title As String[, Default As String[, xpostwips As Integer, ypostwips As Integer]]]) As String
prompt: String expression displayed as the message in the dialog box.
title: String expression displayed in the title bar of the dialog box.
default: String expression displayed in the text box as default if no other input is given.
xpostwips: Integer expression that specifies the horizontal position of the dialog. The position is an absolute coordinate and does not refer to the window of LibreOffice.
ypostwips: Integer expression that specifies the vertical position of the dialog. The position is an absolute coordinate and does not refer to the window of LibreOffice.
If xpostwips and ypostwips are omitted, the dialog is centered on the screen. The position is specified in twips.
Sub ExampleInputBox
Dim sText As String
sText = InputBox ("Silakan beri frase:","Apa Kabar Pengguna")
MsgBox ( sText , 64, "Konfirmasi frase")
End Sub