LibreOffice 25.2 Súgó
Click the
button to open the help page associated with the currently open dialog.A Mégse gombra kattintva a párbeszédablakot a változtatások mentése nélkül csukhatja be.
Alkalmazza az összes módosítást, és bezárja a tündért.
By clicking the arrow next to some icons you open a toolbar. To move a toolbar, drag the title bar. As soon as you release the mouse button, the toolbar remains at the new position. Drag the title bar to another position, or drag to an edge of the window, where the toolbar will dock. Close a toolbar by clicking the Close Window icon. Make the toolbar visible again by choosing View - Toolbars - (toolbar name).
Űrlap-vezérlőelemekben a léptetőgomb egy numerikus mező, pénznemmező, dátummező vagy időmező tulajdonsága. Ha a „Léptetőgomb” tulajdonság engedélyezve van, akkor a mező megjelenít két, vízszintes vagy függőleges ellentétes irányú nyilat.
In the Basic IDE, a spin button is the name used for the numerical field together with the two arrow symbols.
You can type a numerical value into the field next to the spin button, or select the value with the Up Arrow or Down Arrow symbols on the spin button. On the keyboard you can press the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys to increase or reduce the value. You can press the Page Up and Page Down keys to set the maximum and minimum value.
If the field next to the spin button defines numerical values, you can also define a measurement unit, for example, 1 cm or 5 mm, 12 pt or 2".
Ha továbbhalad a párbeszédablakban, e gomb neve Következő lesz. Az utolsó oldalon a gomb neve Átalakítás. Az átalakítás a gombra kattintva hajtható végre.
To activate the context menu of an object, first click the object with the mouse button to select it, and then, . Some context menus can be called even if the object has not been selected. Context menus are found just about everywhere in LibreOffice.
Jóváhagyást követően törli a kijelölt elemet vagy elemeket.
Törli a kijelölt elemet vagy elemeket, jóváhagyás nélkül.
You can enter values in the input fields in different units of measurement. The default unit is inches. However, if you want a space of exactly 1 cm, then type "1cm". Additional units are available according to the context, for example, 12 pt for a 12 point spacing. If the value of the new unit is unrealistic, the program uses a predefined maximum or minimum value.
Bezárja a párbeszédablakot, és menti a változásokat.
Bezárja a párbeszédablakot.
A párbeszédablak bezárása nélkül alkalmazza a módosított vagy kijelölt értékeket.
This option appears only for Paragraph Style, Frame Style, and Page Style.
This option appears only for Paragraph Style and Character Style.
Click the Shrink icon to reduce the dialog to the size of the input field. It is then easier to mark the required reference in the sheet. The icons then automatically convert to the Expand icon. Click it to restore the dialog to its original size.
A párbeszédablak automatikusan minimalizálódik, ha egy munkalapra kattint az egérrel. Amint felengedi az egérgombot, a párbeszédablak mérete visszaáll, és az egérgombbal meghatározott hivatkozási tartományt egy kék színű keret fogja jelezni a dokumentumban.
Displays a preview of the current selection.
Click the Next button, and the wizard uses the current dialog settings and proceeds to the next step. If you are on the last step, this button becomes Create.
Visszaállítja a módosított értékeket a lap korábbi értékeire.
Bezárja a párbeszédablakot, és eldobja a változásokat.
Minden változtatást elment, és bezárja az ablakot.
Resets changes made to the current tab to those applicable when this dialog was opened.
Resets changes made to the current tab to those applicable when this dialog was opened. A confirmation query does not appear when you close the dialog.
Resets the values visible in the dialog back to the default installation values.
Az alapértelmezések betöltése előtt a program nem kér megerősítést.
Closes dialog and discards changes on all tabs. If Apply was used, then changes after the last use of Apply are discarded.
Resets modified values on the current tab back to the values when the dialog was opened. If Apply is used before closing the dialog, then values are reset to those after the last use of Apply.
Applies modifications on all tabs without closing dialog. Cannot be reverted with Reset.
Values for the current tab are set to those found in the corresponding tab of the style specified in “Inherit from” in the General tab. In all cases, also when “Inherit from” is “- None -”, current tab values specified in “Contains” are removed.
This option appears only for Paragraph Style, Character Style, and Frame Style.
View the selections in the dialog made in the previous step. The current settings remain unchanged. This button can only be activated from page two on.
Click the Options label to expand the dialog to show further options. Click again to restore the dialog.
Lásd még az alábbi függvényeket:
The search supports wildcards or regular expressions. With regular expressions enabled, you can enter "all.*", for example to find the first location of "all" followed by any characters. If you want to search for a text that is also a regular expression, you must either precede every regular expression metacharacter or operator with a "\" character, or enclose the text into \Q...\E. You can switch the automatic evaluation of wildcards or regular expression on and off in .
When using functions where one or more arguments are search criteria strings that represents a regular expression, the first attempt is to convert the string criteria to numbers. For example, ".0" will convert to 0.0 and so on. If successful, the match will not be a regular expression match but a numeric match. However, when switching to a locale where the decimal separator is not the dot makes the regular expression conversion work. To force the evaluation of the regular expression instead of a numeric expression, use some expression that can not be misread as numeric, such as ".[0]" or ".\0" or "(?i).0".
Hiba esetén a függvény egy logikai vagy numerikus értéket ad vissza.
(This command is only accessible through the context menu).
Ha egy eszközre duplán rákattint, akkor azt több feladatra is használhatja. Ha az eszközre csak egyet kattint, visszavált a legutóbbi kiválasztásra a feladat befejezése után.
Press Shift+F1 and point to a control to learn more about that control.
Save the changes in the page and close the Options dialog.
Close the Options dialog and discard all changes done.
Applies the modified or selected values without closing the Options dialog.
Some options cannot be reset once edited. Either edit back the changes manually or click Cancel and reopen the Options dialog.