Szerkesztés menü

From the menu bar:

Choose Edit - Select.

From toolbars:

Icon Select


From the menu bar:

Choose Edit - Select - Select all Sheets.

From the sheet navigation bar:

Open context menu of a sheet tab, choose Select all Sheets.

From toolbars:

Icon Select all Sheets

Select all Sheets

From the menu bar:

Choose Edit - Select - Select Sheets.

From toolbars:

Icon Select Sheets

Select Sheets

From the menu bar:

Choose Edit - Select - Select to Next Sheet.

From the menu bar:

Choose Edit - Select - Select to Previous Sheet.

From the menu bar:

Choose Edit - Select - Select Row.

From the tabbed interface:

On the Home menu of the Home tab, choose Select Row.

From toolbars:

Icon Select Row

Select Row

From the keyboard:

Shift + Space

From the menu bar:

Choose Edit - Select - Select Column.

From the tabbed interface:

On the Home menu of the Home tab, choose Select Column.

From toolbars:

Icon Select Column

Select Column

From the keyboard:

+ Space

From the menu bar:

Choose Edit - Select - Select Data Area.

From the tabbed interface:

On the Home menu of the Home tab, choose Select Data Area.

From toolbars:

Icon Select Data Area

Select Data Area

From the keyboard:

+ * (asterisk)

From the menu bar:

Choose Edit - Select - Select Unprotected Cells.

From the menu bar:

Choose Edit - Select - Select Visible Rows.

From the menu bar:

Choose Edit - Select - Select Visible Columns.

From the menu bar:

Choose Edit - Cell Edit Mode.

From the keyboard:


From the menu bar:

Válassza a Munkalap - Cellák kitöltése menüpontot.

From the menu bar:

Choose Sheet - Fill Cells - Fill Down.

From toolbars:

Icon Fill Down

Fill Down

From the keyboard:

+ D

From the menu bar:

Choose Sheet - Fill Cells - Fill Right.

From toolbars:

Icon Fill Right

Fill Right

From the menu bar:

Choose Sheet - Fill Cells - Fill Up.

From toolbars:

Icon Fill Up

Fill Up

From the menu bar:

Choose Sheet - Fill Cells - Fill Left.

From toolbars:

Icon Fill Left

Fill Left

From the menu bar:

Choose Sheet - Fill Cells - Fill Sheets.

From the menu bar:

Choose Sheet - Fill Cells - Fill Series.

From the menu bar:

Choose Sheet - Fill Cells - Fill Random Number

From the menu bar:

Válassza a Munkalap - Cellák ürítése menüpontot.

From the context menu:

Choose Clear Contents.

From toolbars:

Icon Clear Cells

Clear Cells

From the keyboard:


From the menu bar:

Válassza a Munkalap - Cellák törlése menüpontot.

From the context menu:

Choose Delete Cells.

From the tabbed interface:

On the Layout menu of the Layout tab, choose Delete.

From toolbars:

Icon Delete Cells

Delete Cells

From the keyboard:

+ "-"

Válassza a Szerkesztés - Cellavédelem menüpontot, hogy aktiválja a munkalapvédelmet a jelenlegi cellavédelmi beállításokkal.

Támogasson minket!