Klikńće na šipk pódla symbola, zo byšće symbolowu lajstu ze wšelakimi funkcijemi za zasadźowanje grafikow, tabelow, dokumentow a wosebitych znamješkow.
Inserts a table into the document. You can also click the arrow, drag to select the number of rows and columns to include in the table, and then click in the last cell.
Inserts a text section at the cursor position in the document. You can also select a block of text and then choose this command to create a section. You can use sections to insert blocks of text from other documents, to apply custom column layouts, or to protect or to hide blocks of text if a condition is met.
Inserts a bookmark at the cursor position. You can then use the Navigator to quickly jump to the marked location at a later time. In an HTML document, bookmarks are converted to anchors that you can jump to from a hyperlink.