Pomoc za LibreOffice 25.2
Wočinja podmeni, hdźež móžeće přikazy za wobdźěłowanje wobrazow wubrać.
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Wubjerće Format – Wobraz
Trims or scales the selected graphic. You can also restore the graphic to its original size.
Wobnowja prěnjotnu wulkosć wubraneho wobraza.
Opens the selected image with the default external tool used for editing images in your operating system.
Opens the file picker to choose an image to replace the selected image.
Compress the selected image to reduce its data size and resize the image in the document.
Opens the Image Export dialog to export the selected image.
Wočinja podmeni ze wšelakimi filtrami, kotrež dadźa so na wubrany wobraz nałožić.
Wočinja symbolowu lajstu Barba, zo byšće móhł někotre kajkosće wubraneho objekta wobdźěłać.
Formats the size, position, and other properties of the selected image.
Warns if the document has an image that is too big or too small in resolution.
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