Pomoc za LibreOffice 25.2
Set the transparency options for the fill that you apply to the selected object.
Specify the type of transparency that you want to apply.
Turns off color transparency. This is the default setting.
Turns on color transparency. Select this option, and then enter a number in the box, where 0% is fully opaque and 100% is fully transparent.
Adjusts the transparency of the current fill color. Enter a number between 0% (opaque) and 100% (transparent).
Applies a transparency gradient to the current fill color. Select this option, and then set the gradient properties.
Select the type of transparency gradient that you want to apply.
Enter the horizontal offset for the gradient.
Enter the vertical offset for the gradient.
Enter a rotation angle for the gradient.
Enter the amount by which you want to adjust the transparent area of the gradient. The default value is 0%.
Enter a transparency value for the beginning point of the gradient, where 0% is fully opaque and 100% is fully transparent.
Enter a transparency value for the endpoint of the gradient, where 0% is fully opaque and 100% is fully transparent.
Use the preview to view your changes before you apply the transparency effect to the color fill of the selected object.