
Set the properties of a hatching pattern, or save a new hatching pattern.

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Wubjerće Format – Płonina… – rajtark: Šrafura.

– tłóčatko: Šrafura.


Lists the available hatching patterns. You can also modify or create your own hatching pattern.


To rename a hatching pattern, select the pattern, right-click and choose Rename. To delete a hatching pattern, select the pattern, right-click and choose Delete.


Adds a custom hatching pattern to the current list. Specify the properties of your hatching pattern, and then click this button.


Applies the current hatching properties to the selected hatching pattern. If you want, you can save the pattern under a different name.


Define or modify a hatching pattern.


Enter the amount of space that you want to have between the hatch lines.


Enter the rotation angle for the hatch lines, or click a position in the angle grid.

Line type

Select the type of hatch lines that you want to use.

Linijowa barba

Select the color of the hatch lines.

Pozadkowa barba

To apply a background color, select the Background color box, then select a color.


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