Contains contact information for business cards that use a layout from a 'Business Card, Work' category. Business card layouts are selected on the Business Cards tab.
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Wubjerće Dataja – Nowy – Wizitki – rajtark: Wobchodniske.
Business data
Enter the contact information that you want to include on your business card.
If you want to include your name on a business card, enter your name on the Private tab. Then choose a layout on the Business Cards tab that includes a name placeholder.
Zapodajće mjeno swojeho předewzaća do tutoho pola.
Company 2nd line
Enter additional company details.
Enter the slogan of your company.
Zapodajće mjeno swojeje dróhi/hasy do tutoho pola.
Zapodajće swoje póstowe wodźenske čisło do tutoho pola.
Zapodajće swoje bydlišćo.
Zwjazkowy kraj
Zapodajće swój zwjazkowy kraj.
Zapodajće swój kraj.
Zapodajće swoju powołansku poziciju w předewzaću do tutoho pola.
Enter your business telephone number.
Mobilny telefon
Enter your mobile telephone number.
Zapodajće swoje faksowe čisło do tutoho pola.
Startowa strona
Enter the address of your company's internet homepage.
E-mejlowa adresa
Zapodajće swoju e-mejlowu adresu. Na přikład moje.mjeno@mój.poskić