
Přikazy w tutym meniju so za wobdźěłowanje dokumentow Draw wužiwaja (na přikład za kopěrowanje a zasadźowanje do mjezyskłada).


Reverses the last command or the last entry you typed. To select the command that you want to reverse, click the arrow next to the Undo icon on the Standard bar.


Reverses the action of the last Undo command. To select the Undo step that you want to reverse, click the arrow next to the Redo icon on the Standard bar.


Removes and copies the selection to the clipboard.


Copies the selection to the clipboard.


Inserts the contents of the clipboard at the location of the cursor, and replaces any selected text or objects.

Paste Special Menu

Inserts the contents of the clipboard into the current file in a format that you can specify.

Wšitko wubrać

Pytać a wuměnić

Finds or replaces text or formats in the current document.


Zmóžnja wam, dypki we wašej rysowance wobdźěłać.

Lěpjate dypki

Zmóžnja wam, lěpjate dypki we wašej rysowance wobdźěłać.


Wutworja jednu kopiju abo wjacore kopije wubraneho objekta.


Wutworja twary a rozdźěluje je w jenakich wotstupach mjez dwěmaj rysowanskimaj objektomaj.


Wočinja dialog, kotryž wam zmóžnja, hyperwotkazy wobdźěłać.


Wobdźěłuje kajkosće zasadźeneho pola. Zo byšće zasadźene polo wobdźěłał, klikńće dwójce na njo. .

You can change or break each link to external files in the current document. You can also update the content of the current file to the most recently saved version of linked external file. This command does not apply to hyperlinks, and is not available if the current document does not contain links to other files.


Lets you edit a selected OLE object that you inserted from the Insert - OLE Object submenu.

Prošu podpěrajće nas!