Pomoc za LibreOffice 24.8
Meni Zasadźić přikazy za zasadźowanje nowych elementow do aktualneje tabele wobsahuje, na přikład wobrazy, tekstowe pola, objekty, medije, celowe mjena a wjele wjace.
Opens a dialog where you can select the source for your pivot table, and then create or edit your table.
Inserts an embedded or linked object into your document, including formulas, QR codes, and OLE objects.
Tutón podmeni zwučene twary kaž liniju, kruh, třiróžk a kwadrat abo symbolowy twar kaž smiley, wutrobičku a kwětku wobsahuje, kotrež dadźa so do dokumenta zasadźić.
Inserts a defined named cell range at the current cursor's position with the Paste Names dialog.
Draws a text box with horizontal text direction where you drag in the current document. Drag a text box to the size you want anywhere in the document, and then type or paste your text. Rotate the text box to get rotated text.
Inserts a comment around the selected text, presentation slide, drawing page or at the current spreadsheet cursor position.
Wočinja dialog Fontwork, z kotrehož móžeće sformatěrowany tekst do swojeho dokumenta zasadźić, kotryž ze standardnym pismowym formatěrowanjom móžny njeje.
Allows a user to insert characters from the range of symbols found in the installed fonts.
Opens a submenu to insert special formatting marks like no-break space, soft hyphen, and zero-width space.
Defines or formats a header or footer for the page style in use. You can define separate settings for the first page and the remaining pages.
Tutón podmeni wodźenske elementy kaž tekstowe polo, kontrolny kašćik, opciske tłóčatko a lisćinowe polo wobsahuje, kotrež dadźa so do dokumenta zasadźić.