
Combines data from one or more independent cell ranges and calculates a new range using the function that you specify.

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Wubjerće Daty – Konsolidować….


Select the function that you want to use to consolidate the data.

Consolidation ranges

Displays the cell ranges that you want to consolidate.

Source data range

Specifies the cell range that you want to consolidate with the cell ranges listed in the Consolidation ranges box. Select a cell range in a sheet, and then click Add. You can also select the name of a predefined cell from the Source data range list.

Pomjeńšić / Powjetšić

Klikńće na symbol Pomjeńšić, zo byšće dialog na wulkosć zapodawanskeho pola pomjeńšił. Je potom lóšo, požadany poćah w tabeli markěrować. Symbol so awtomatisce do symbola Powjetšić přetworja. Klikńće na njón, zo byšće dialog na jeho prěnjotnu wulkosć wobnowił.

Dialog so awtomatisce miniměruje, hdyž z myšku do tabele klikaće. Hdyž tastu myški pušćeće, so dialog wobnowi a poćahowy wobłuk, kotryž je z myšku definowany, so w dokumenće přez módry ramik wuzběhuje.

Symbol za Pomjeńšić


Symbol za Powjetšić


Copy results to

Displays the first cell in the range where the consolidation results will be displayed.


Zhaša wubrany element abo wubrane elementy bjez wobkrućenja.


Adds the cell range specified in the Source data range box to the Consolidation ranges box.


Shows additional options.

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