Logical Functions

This category contains the Logical functions.

Handling non-logical arguments in logical functions

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Zasadźić – Funkcija… – Kategorija Logiske


Returns TRUE if a cell contains the #N/A (value not available) error value.

If an error occurs, the function returns FALSE.



Value is the value or expression to be tested.


=ISNA(D3) returns FALSE as a result.


Returns the value if the cell does not contain an error value, or the alternative value if it does.


Tuta funkcija je wot LibreOffice 4.0 k dispoziciji.


IFERROR(Value; Alternate_value)

Value is the value or expression to be returned if it is not equal or results in an error.

Alternate_value is the value or expression to be returned if the expression or value of Value is equal or results in an error.


=IFERROR(C8;C9) where cell C8 contains =1/0 returns the value of C9, because 1/0 is an error.

=IFERROR(C8;C9) where cell C8 contains 13 returns 13, the value of C8, which is not an error.


IFS is a multiple IF-function.


SWITCH compares expression with value1 to valuen and returns the result belonging to the first value that equals expression. If there is no match and default_result is given, that will be returned.


Returns TRUE if at least one argument is TRUE. This function returns the value FALSE, if all the arguments have the logical value FALSE.

The arguments are either logical expressions themselves (TRUE, 1<5, 2+3=7, B8<10) that return logical values, or arrays (A1:C3) containing logical values.


OR(Logical 1 [; Logical 2 [; … [; Logical 255]]])

Logical 1; Logical 2; … ; Logical 255 are boolean values, references to cells or to cell ranges of logical values.


This function ignores any text or empty cell within a data range. If you suspect wrong results from this function, look for text in the data ranges. To highlight text contents in a data range, use the value highlighting feature.


The logical values of entries 12<11; 13>22, and 45=45 are to be checked.

=OR(12<11;13>22;45=45) returns TRUE.

=OR(FALSE();TRUE()) returns TRUE.


The array formula {=OR(B1:B10;C1:C10)} yields a one-dimensional value of FALSE when all components of B1:B10 and C1:C10 are FALSE. The array expression above does not produce the logical OR per element, and thus does not produce an array of logical values. To compute a logical OR of arrays per element use the + operator in array context. In the example, enter {=B1:B10+C1:C10}.


Returns TRUE if all arguments are TRUE. If one of the elements is FALSE, this function returns the FALSE value.

The arguments are either logical expressions themselves (TRUE, 1<5, 2+3=7, B8<10) that return logical values, or arrays (A1:C3) containing logical values.


AND(Logical 1 [; Logical 2 [; … [; Logical 255]]])

Logical 1; Logical 2; … ; Logical 255 are boolean values, references to cells or to cell ranges of logical values.


This function ignores any text or empty cell within a data range. If you suspect wrong results from this function, look for text in the data ranges. To highlight text contents in a data range, use the value highlighting feature.


The logical values of entries 12<13; 14>12, and 7<6 are to be checked:

=AND(12<13;14>12;7<6) returns FALSE.

=AND(FALSE();TRUE()) returns FALSE.


The array formula {=AND(B1:B10;C1:C10)} yields a one-dimensional value of TRUE when all components of B1:B10 and C1:C10 are TRUE. The array expression above does not produce the logical AND per element, and thus does not produce an array of logical values. To compute a logical AND of arrays per element use the * operator in array context. In the example, enter {=B1:B10*C1:C10}.


Specifies a logical test to be performed.


IF(Test [; [ThenValue] [; [OtherwiseValue]]])

Test is any value or expression that can be TRUE or FALSE.

ThenValue (optional) is the value that is returned if the logical test is TRUE.

OtherwiseValue (optional) is the value that is returned if the logical test is FALSE.

We funkcijach LibreOffice Calc dadźa so parametry, kotrež su jako „opcionalne“ woznamjenjene, jenož wuwostajić, hdyž parameter njeslěduje. We funkcije ze štyrjomi parametrami na přikład, hdźež poslednjej dwaj parametraj stej jako „opcionalnej“ woznamjenjenej, móžeće parameter 4 abo parametraj 3 a 4 wuwostajić, ale njemóžeće jenož parameter 3 wuwostajić.


=IF(A1>5;100;"too small") If the value in A1 is greater than 5, the value 100 is returned; otherwise, the text too small is returned.

=IF(A1>5;;"too small") If the value in A1 is greater than 5, the value 0 is returned because empty parameters are considered to be 0; otherwise, the text too small is returned.

=IF(A1>5;100;) If the value in A1 is less than 5, the value 0 is returned because the empty OtherwiseValue is interpreted as 0; otherwise 100 is returned.


Complements (inverts) a logical value.



LogicalValue is any value to be complemented.


=NOT(A). If A=TRUE then NOT(A) will evaluate FALSE.


Returns the logical value FALSE. The FALSE() function does not require any arguments, and always returns the logical value FALSE.




=FALSE() returns FALSE

=NOT(FALSE()) returns TRUE


The logical value is set to TRUE. The TRUE() function does not require any arguments, and always returns the logical value TRUE.




If A=TRUE and B=FALSE the following examples appear:

=AND(A;B) returns FALSE

=OR(A;B) returns TRUE

=NOT(AND(A;B)) returns TRUE


Returns true if an odd number of arguments evaluates to TRUE.

The arguments are either logical expressions themselves (TRUE, 1<5, 2+3=7, B8<10) that return logical values, or arrays (A1:C3) containing logical values.


Tuta funkcija je wot LibreOffice 4.0 k dispoziciji.


XOR(Logical 1 [; Logical 2 [; … [; Logical 255]]])

Logical 1; Logical 2; … ; Logical 255 are boolean values, references to cells or to cell ranges of logical values.


=XOR(TRUE();TRUE()) returns FALSE

=XOR(TRUE();TRUE();TRUE()) returns TRUE

=XOR(FALSE();TRUE()) returns TRUE

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