Pomoc za LibreOffice 25.2
Enables an error-handling routine after an error occurs, or resumes program execution.
On [Local] Error {GoTo Labelname | GoTo 0 | Resume Next}
GoTo Labelname: If an error occurs, enables the error-handling routine that starts at the line "Labelname".
Resume Next: If an error occurs, program execution continues with the statement that follows the statement in which the error occurred.
GoTo 0: Disables the error handler in the current procedure.
Local: Optional. The keyword is a reminder the statement is local to the routine which invokes it; when the routine exits, this error handling is canceled automatically.
Sub ExampleReset
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim iNumber As Integer
Dim iCount As Integer
Dim sLine As String
Dim aFile As String
aFile = "C:\Users\ThisUser\data.txt"
iNumber = Freefile
Open aFile For Output As #iNumber
Print #iNumber, "This is a line of text"
Close #iNumber
iNumber = Freefile
Open aFile For Input As iNumber
For iCount = 1 To 5
Line Input #iNumber, sLine
If sLine <>"" Then
End If
Next iCount
Close #iNumber
Exit Sub
MsgBox "All files will be closed", 0, "Error"
End Sub