Navigacijska traka obrasca

The Form Navigation bar contains icons to edit a database table or to control the data view. The bar is displayed at the bottom of a document that contains fields that are linked to a database.

You can use the Form Navigation bar to move within records as well as to insert and to delete records. If data is saved in a form, the changes are transferred to the database. The Form Navigation bar also contains sort, filter, and search functions for data records.


You can use the Navigation bar icon on the More Controls bar to add a Navigation bar to a form.


The Navigation bar is only visible for forms connected to a database. In the Design view of a form, the Navigation bar is not available. See also Table Data bar.

Pregled podataka možete nadzirati sortiranjem i filtriranjem. Izvorne se tablice pri tom ne mijenjaju.

The current sort order or filter is saved with the current document. If a filter is set, the Apply Filter icon on the Navigation bar is activated. Sorting and filtering features in the document can also be configured in the Form Properties dialog. (Choose Form Properties - Data - properties Sort and Filter).


If an SQL statement is the basis for a form (see Form Properties - tab Data - Data Source), then the filter and sort functions are only available when the SQL statement refers to only one table and is not written in the native SQL mode.

Traži zapis

Searches database tables and forms. In forms or database tables, you can search through data fields, list boxes, and check boxes for specific values.

Find Record Icon

Pronađi zapis

Apsolutan zapis

Prikazuje broj uređivanog zapisa. Unesite broj željenog zapisa kako biste se na njega pozicionirali.

Prvi zapis

Icon First Record

Pozicionira vas na prvi zapis.

Prethodni zapis

Icon Previous Record

Pozicionira vas na prethodni zapis.

Sljedeći zapis

Icon Next Record

Pozicionira vas na sljedeće polje.

Zadnji zapis

Icon Last Record

Pozicionira vas na zadnji zapis.

Novi zapis

Icon New Record

Stvara novi zapis.

Spremi zapis


Sprema novi unos podataka. Promjena će biti registrirana u bazi podataka

Vrati: unos podataka

Icon Undo Data Entry

Omogućava da vratite unos podataka.

Izbriši zapis

Icon Delete Record

Briše zapis. Upit se mora potvrditi prije brisanja.


Refreshes the displayed data. In a multi-user environment, refreshing the data ensures that it remains current.

Icon Refresh


Refresh Control

Icon Refresh Control

Refresh current control


Specifies the sort criteria for the data display.

Sort Order Icon

Redoslijed pri razvrstavanju

Razvrstaj uzlazno

Sorts the data of the selected field or cell range in ascending order. Text fields are sorted alphabetically, numerical fields are sorted by number.

Icon Sort Ascending

Razvrstaj uzlazno

Razvrstaj sizlazno

Sorts the data of the selected field or cell range in descending order. Text fields are sorted alphabetically, number fields are sorted by number.

Icon Sort Descending

Razvrstaj silazno

Automatski filtar

Filters the records, based on the content of the currently selected data field.

Icon AutoFilter


Primijeni filtar

Switches between the filtered and unfiltered view of the table.

Icon Form Filter

Primijeni filtar

Form-based Filters

Prompts the database server to filter the visible data by specified criteria.

Icon Form Filter

Form-based Filters

Reset Filter/Sorting

Cancels the filter settings and displays all of the records in the current table.


Reset Filter/Sorting

Data source as table

Activates an additional table view when in the form view. When the Data source as table function is activated, you see the table in an area above the form.


Data source as table

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