
The following menu commands are available for spreadsheets.

Note Icon

Prozor koji sadrži dokument na kojem želite raditi mora biti odabran kako biste koristili naredbe izbornika. Slično, morate odabrati objekt u dokumentu kako biste koristili naredbe vezane uz taj objekt.

Warning Icon

Izbornici ovise o kontekstu. To znači da su dostupne one stavke izbornika koje su relevanten za posao koji se trenutno obavlja. Ako se pokazivač prikazuje u tekstu, tada se prikazuju sve one stavke potrebne za uređivanje teksta. Ako ste odabrali grafiku u dokumenu, tada možete vidjeti sve stavke izbornika koje se mogu koristiti za uređivanje grafike.


Opens the File menu.


This menu contains commands for editing the contents of the current document.


This menu contains commands to control the on-screen display of the document, change the user interface and access the sidebar panels.


The Insert menu contains commands for inserting new elements, such as images, text boxes, object, media, cell names and much more into the current sheet.


The Format menu contains commands for formatting selected cells, objects, and cell contents in your document.



This menu contains commands to modify and manage a sheet and its elements.


Use the Data menu commands to edit the data in the current sheet. You can define ranges, sort and filter the data, calculate results, outline data, and create a pivot table.



Contains commands for manipulating and displaying document windows.


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