File Input/Output Functions

Get Statement

Čita zapis iz formatirane datoteke, ili slijed bajtova iz binarne datoteke u varijablu.

Input# Statement

Cita podatke iz sljedece otvorene datoteke

Line Input# Statement

Reads a line from a sequential file into a variable.

Put# Statement

Writes a record to a relative file or a sequence of bytes to a binary file.

Write# Statement

Writes data to a sequential text file with delimiting characters.

Loc Function

Vraća u ternutnu poziciju u otvorenoj datoteci.

Seek Function

Returns the position for the next writing or reading in a file that was opened with the open statement.

Eof Function

Vraća da li je pokazivač u datoteci dosegao kraj datoteke.

Lof Function

Vraća veličinu otvorene datoteke u byteovima.

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