LibreOffice 24.8 Help
Korištenjem funkcija u jednom koraku možete tražiti greške za svaki redak u vašem Basic programu. Greške se lagano nalaze, jer možete vidjeti rezultat svakog koraka. Pokazivač u prekidnoj točki Uređivača naznačuje trenutni redak. Također možete postaviti prekidnu točku ako želite prisiliti prekid programa na određenom mjestu.
Double-click in the breakpoint column at the left of the Editor window to toggle a breakpoint at the corresponding line. When the program reaches a breakpoint, the program execution is interrupted.
The single step execution using the Single Step icon causes the program to branch into procedures and functions.
The procedure step execution using the Procedure Step icon causes the program to skip over procedures and functions as a single step.
Svojstva prijelomnih točaka koje su dostupne kroz kontekstni izbornik, klikom na desnu tipku miša na prijelomnu točku u prijelomnom stupcu.
You can activate and deactivate a breakpoint by selecting Active from its context menu. When a breakpoint is deactivated, it does not interrupt the program execution.
Select Properties from the context menu of a breakpoint or select Breakpoints from the context menu of the breakpoint column to call the Breakpoints dialog where you can specify other breakpoint options.
The list displays all breakpoints with the corresponding line number in the source code. You can activate or deactivate a selected breakpoint by checking or clearing the Active box.
The Pass Count specifies the number of times the breakpoint can be passed over before the program is interrupted. If you enter 0 (default setting) the program is always interrupted as soon as a breakpoint is encountered.
Click Delete to remove the breakpoint from the program.
You can monitor the values of a variable by adding it to the Watch window. To add a variable to the list of watched variables, type the variable name in the Watch text box and press Enter.
Vrijednosti varijabli su jedino prikazane ako su u djelokrugu. Varijeble koje nisu definirane u trenutnoj lokaciji izvornog koda umjesto vrijednosti.
Možete uključiti grupe u matricu za gledanje. Ako unesete ime varijable matrice bez indeksa vrijednost u Gledaj kućici, sadržaj cijele matrice će biti prikazan.
Ako zadržite pokazivač miša na unaprijed definiranoj varijabli u uređivaču za vrijeme u vrijeme izvršavanja, sadržaj će varijable biti prikazan u skočnom prozoru.
Provides an overview of the call hierarchy of procedures and functions. You can determine which procedures and functions called which other procedures and functions at the current point in the source code.