Add to List

Include selected paragraphs, whether a list item or not, as part of a list.

To access this command...

Choose Format - Lists - Add to List.

Right-click a paragraph, choose List - Add to List.

On Bullets and Numbering bar, click Add to List icon.

Add to List Icon

Add to List

The list labeling and indent formatting are applied to the selected paragraphs. The position of the paragraphs in the document does not change.

Add Consecutive List Entries to an Immediately Prior List

  1. Select one or more consecutive list entries, starting from the first entry, that you want to add to the immediately prior list.

  2. Right-click anywhere in highlighted selection, choose List - Add to List.


Use this procedure to combine two lists.

Add Selected Paragraphs to a List

  1. Select paragraphs, whether in a list or not, to be added to a list.

    For multiple selections, press and hold the Ctrl key after the first selection. Only one character needs to be selected in each paragraph to be added. The Ctrl key can be released without losing the selections, but must be pressed whenever clicking in the document to preserve the selection.

  2. Press and hold the Ctrl key, select at least one character in the list, then release the Ctrl key.

  3. निम्न में से कोई एक करें:


This procedure works for ordered and unordered lists.

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