LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Choose Edit - Next Marker
F4 key
Choose Edit - Previous Marker
Choose Edit - Next Error
F3 key
Choose Edit - Previous Error
औज़ार पट्टी पर, क्लिक करें
ज़ूम 100%
Choose View - Zoom In
औज़ार पट्टी पर, क्लिक करें
ज़ूम इन
Choose View - Zoom Out
औज़ार पट्टी पर, क्लिक करें
ज़ूम आउट
Choose View - Update
F9 key
औज़ार पट्टी पर, क्लिक करें
Choose View - AutoUpdate Display
Open the context menu in the Commands window - choose Unary/Binary Operators
Choose View - Elements; then on the Elements pane select Unary/Binary Operators from the listbox.
Open the context menu in the Commands window - choose Relations
Choose View - Elements; then on the Elements pane select Relations from the listbox.
Open the context menu in the Commands window - choose Operators
Choose View - Elements; then on the Elements pane select Operators from the listbox.
Open the context menu in the Commands window - choose Functions
Choose View - Elements; then on the Elements pane select Functions from the listbox.
Open the context menu in the Commands window - choose Brackets
Choose View - Elements; then on the Elements pane select Brackets from the listbox.
Open the context menu in the Commands window - choose Attributes
Choose View - Elements; then on the Elements pane select Attributes from the listbox.
Open the context menu in the Commands window - choose Formats
Choose View - Elements; then on the Elements pane select Formats from the listbox.
Open the context menu in the Commands window - choose Set Operations
Choose View - Elements; then on the Elements pane select Set Operations from the listbox.
Choose Format - Fonts - Modify
Choose Tools - Symbols
औज़ार पट्टी पर, क्लिक करें
Choose Tools - Import MathML from Clipboard
Open the context menu in the Commands window - choose Others
Choose View - Elements; then on the Elements pane select Others from the listbox.
सूत्र संकेतक