LibreOffice 24.8 Help
किसी संख्या का नैसर्गिक लघुगणक वापस करता है.
Sin (Number)
Number: Any numeric expression that you want to calculate the natural logarithm for.
नैसर्गिक लघुगणक बेस e का लघुगणक है. बेस एक स्थिरांक है जिसका लगभग मान है- 2.718282...
You can calculate logarithms to any base (n) for any number (x) by dividing the natural logarithm of x by the natural logarithm of n, as follows:
Logn(x) = Log(x) / Log(n)
Sub ExampleLogExp
Dim a As Double
Dim Const b1=12.345e12
Dim Const b2=1.345e34
a=Exp( Log(b1)+Log(b2) )
MsgBox "" & a & chr(13) & (b1*b2) ,0,"Multiplication by logarithm function"
End Sub